4.01 Lazarus Rising - part 2

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(Your POV)

We walk down a dingy hallway and knock on a door with the number 207 inside a red heart. The door is opened by a Young woman with dark hair, wearing only a tank top and underwear. She looks at us expectantly, making me frown her way.

"So where is it?" She asks us, making Dean look at me. "Where's what?" I ask confused. The girl rolls her eyes at me and sighs. "The pizza... that takes three people to deliver?" she says, making me frown even harder. "I think we got the wrong room." Dean says smiling at the girl. We are about to walk away, when suddenly Sam comes up to the door.

"Hey, is..." Sam asks the girl, but then stops and looks at us confused. His eyes land on Dean and his eyebrows shoot upwards. He swallows, clearly shocked, his eyes flicking between Dean, Bobby and me. "Heya, Sammy." Dean says with a small smile. Sam stays silent, his eyes wide.

Dean steps into the room, ignoring the woman who now steps aside to let him in. As Dean gets close, Sam pulls a knife and lunges at Dean. The woman screams and covers herself. Dean blocks Sam's attack and I pull Sam off, gripping him around the shoulders.

"Who are you?!" Sam shouts at Dean, still trying to get out of mine and Bobby's grip. "Like you didn't do this?!" Dean asks with anger. I see Sam frown and shrug. "Do what?!" Sam yells again, struggling even harder against us.

"It's him. It's him. I've been through this already, it's really him." I say, seeing Sam frown at me. He then looks back at Dean. "What..." Sam says, now stopping the struggle. "I know. I look fantastic, huh?" Dean jokes. I let go off Sam cautiously and step back.

Sam, who looks on the verge of tears, steps forward and pulls Dean into a desperate hug. They embrace for several seconds, heavy with emotion, as Bobby and I look on with tears in our eyes. Sam pushes Dean back to arm's length, eyeing him. I look back at the woman, seeing her eye my two brothers with confusion.

"So, are you two like... together?" she asks, making me mentally gag. "What? No. No. He's my brother." Sam says, looking back at the woman. I could see that he had forgotten about her presence until now. "Uh... got it. I... I guess. Look, I should probably go." She says, looking at us all weirdly.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Sorry." Sam says, taking a shirt and buttoning it closed. He walks her over to the door, opening it for her. "So, call me." The girl says with a smile. "Yeah. Yeah, sure thing, Kathy." Sam says. I can see the woman frown with sadness when she hears him say this. "Kristy." She says, before walking away. Sam closes the door, and we all look at him with raised eyebrows.

"So tell me, what'd it cost?" Dean asks when Sam sits himself down. Sam chuckles and shrugs his shoulders. "The girl? I don't pay, Dean." Sam says, making me roll my eyes at him again. "That's not funny, Sam." I say, making him look my way for the first time. He looks at me sadly, guilt evident on his face.

"To bring me back. What'd it cost? Was it just your soul, or was it something worse?" Dean asks, pulling Sam's gaze back his way. "You think I made a deal?" Sam asks in disbelief. "That's exactly what we think." Bobby says. "Well, I didn't." Sam then says matter-of-factly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Don't lie to us." I say, getting angrier with each second that passes. "I'm not lying." Sam says, making Dean frown. "So what now, I'm off the hook and you're on, is that it? You're some demon's bitch-boy? I didn't want to be saved like this." Dean says, now yelling. This makes Sam stand up and look at us with anger.

"Look, Dean, I wish I had done it, all right?" Sam says. Dean grabs Sam by the front of his shirt, looking at him impatiently. "There's no other way that this could have gone down. Now tell the truth!" Dean yells again.

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