4.20 The Rapture - part 2

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(Third POV)

Claire approaches Jimmy. "Hi, Daddy." She says with a small smile. "Hi, baby." Jimmy says. Claire and Jimmy embrace, while Amelia enters the room with a platter of sandwiches. "Okay, so we have turkey and roast beef. Better be okay. It's all we have." Amelia says. "Oh, it's fine. It's more than fine. Should we sit?" Jimmy asks, making Amelia awkwardly nod.

Jimmy, Amelia and Claire sit at the dining room table. Jimmy reaches for a sandwich. "It's perfect." He says, going for a bite. "Daddy, aren't you going to say Grace?" Claire asks. Jimmy looks up at them, seeing both Claire and Amelia frown at him with worry.

"No, honey, I don't think I am." Jimmy says, a small tear falling from his eyes. "Why are you crying?" Claire asks. "Because I'm happy." Jimmy says with a small smile to his daughter. The doorbell rings and Amelia gets up to answer the door.

"Hey, Roger." Amelia says. "Hey, Ames. How you doing?" Roger asks. "Good." Amelia says. "Am I crazy or did I just see your husband wander in here about half an hour ago?" Roger asks confused. "Yeah, uh, you did. But, Roger, now is not a good time." Amelia says.

Jimmy approaches and Roger opens his arms. They embrace. "Hey, there he is. Son of a bitch. What the hell happened to you?" Roger asks. "Ah, long story. But it's over." Jimmy says. "Yeah?" Roger asks again. "I'm good." Jimmy says, nodding at his friend.

"Can I talk to you?" Roger asks Jimmy. "Can I get you a beer?" Amelia then asks Roger. "That'd be good. Thanks." Roger says, nodding at her. Amelia leaves Jimmy and Roger to speak in private. "Buddy, you scared the hell out of a lot of people." Roger says.

"I know. I know." Jimmy sighs, nodding. "So really, what happened?" Roger asks confused. "Honestly, worst year of my life and you wouldn't believe a word of it, but it's all okay now. I swear." Jimmy says with a smile. "Actually, no, it's not." Roger says, making Jimmy frown.

"What do you mean?" Jimmy asks confused. "Well, I mean I'm gonna gut your daughter while you watch." Roger says. Roger's eyes turn black. He smiles and his eyes shift back to normal just as Amelia approaches and hands him a beer. "Here you go." She says with a small smile.

While Roger is distracted, Jimmy hits him over the head with a candlestick and then continues to hit him after he has crumpled to the ground. Amelia watches, in shock. "What are you doing? Jimmy, stop!" Amelia yells. "He's a demon! Run!" Jimmy yells.

"Stop it!" Amelia says, trying to hold Jimmy back. "Run!" Jimmy yells again, dragging Amelia with him. Jimmy pushes Amelia and Claire into a utility room and begins searching the shelves "Where is it?" Jimmy asks, looking frantically for the salt.

"Roger was your best friend." Amelia says, shaking her head. "Roger was a demon, damn it." Jimmy exclaims. Jimmy finds a bag of salt and pours it in a line across the doorway. "Don't cross this line!" Jimmy then tells his family.

"Jimmy, you thought you were better, but you are so sick." Amelia says again. "Look, I am not crazy." Jimmy explains. "You stay the hell away from us!" Amelia yells. "This is all very, very real." Jimmy says.

"Stay the hell away from us!" Amelia yells, pushing Claire behind her. "Claire, sweetie – "Jimmy says, but Amelia tackles him. "No! Run. Leave her alone, I said." Amelia says, holding Jimmy back.

While Jimmy and Amelia struggle, Claire runs out of the utility room. Jimmy breaks free and goes after her. "Stay here." Jimmy yells at Amelia. "Stay away from her." Amelia yells, running behind Jimmy. Jimmy and Amelia run out and into the dining room, where Roger has Claire. He has a knife against her neck.

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