4.03 In the Beginning - part 2

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(Third POV)

Mary and Samuel are sitting in a truck, in front of the Whitshire home. "And I'm here because?" Mary asks, looking at her father with furrowed brows. "Family business, Mary... family." Samuel says impatiently. They both get out of the car and Samuel sees the look on Mary's face. "What? You'd rather be waving pom-poms at a bunch of dumb jocks?" Samuel asks, looking at his daughter in disbelief.

Mary sees a boy leaning on a tree nearby and starts to walk towards him. "Where you goin'?" Samuel asks. "To do the job, Dad." Mary answers without looking back at him. Samuel walks to the house and knocks on the door. Dean opens the door, dressed as a priest. Y/n is standing next to him in nun clothing, comforting the tearful woman next to her.

"Father, I see you beat me here." Samuel says, eyeing Dean and then Y/n. Y/n had a smirk plastered on her face. "The Lord is funny that way. Beth Whitshire, this is our associate, our senior, senior priest, Father Chaney." Dean says.

Dean and Y/n join Samuel outside on the doorstep. "Father's" Y/n says, excusing herself when she sees Mary talking to a guy near a tree. She walks over to them, leaving Dean and Samuel alone with Beth.

"Please accept our deepest condolences on behalf of the county diocese." Samuel says. "Thank you." Beth says, smiling sadly at Samuel. "Mrs. Whitshire was just telling me all about Tom, and how normal and ordinary things were the day before his death." Dean says, making Samuel nod. "I see, so you didn't notice anything unusual, ma'am?" Samuel asks, making the woman frown.

"You mean like my husband's guts fertilizing the back 40?" Beth asks. Samuel is stunned into silence at her response and Dean, looking amused, turns to leave. "Excuse me." Dean says. Dean pats Samuel on the back and then makes his way off the porch. Samuel shares an awkward smile with Beth, while Dean approaches Mary, Y/n and the boy, Charlie.

"Charlie, would you like to tell the Father here what you just told us?" Y/n asks when she sees Dean. "Dad drank sometimes. Sometimes he got rough with Mom." Charlie says, making Dean frown. "And that's when the stranger came?" Mary asks, making Charlie nod.

"I just thought he was some Bible thumper, like you all. He showed up about a week ago." Charlie explains. "Saying what?" Dean asks. "Did I want the beatings to stop? I just thought he was crazy, I didn't think – and the next thing I know, Dad's dead. Am I going to jail?" Charlie asks, making Y/n put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"You didn't do this, Charlie." She says, smiling down at him sadly. "Did the stranger want something in return?" Dean asks confused. "He didn't want anything." Charlie says. "Come on, Chuck, he wasn't just handing out freebies now, was he?" Dean asks again, frowning in disbelief.

"He did say something about comin' a callin' ten years from now. Maybe he'd want something then." Charlie says, making Y/n and Dean frown. "Something like what?" Dean asks confused. "I don't know, okay? Look, I told you he was nuts." Charlie says, looking down at the ground in sorrow.

Mary grabs Dean's and Y/n's arm and leads them a few steps away. "What do you two think?" she asks. "I think he just pimped his soul to a demon and doesn't even know it." Dean says, making Y/n nod in agreement. Y/n returns to Charlie, making Mary and Dean follow her.

"Charlie, do you remember what this stranger looked like?" Y/n asks. "Yeah, he was about 5'10, white, normal looking really." Charlie says absentmindedly. "Anything else?" Mary asks. "There was one thing." Charlie then says, making the three of them look at him expectantly.

"What?" Dean asks confused. "It's just, the light hit his eyes in a weird way and... for a moment I coulda sworn –" Charlie says, making Y/n sigh and nod. "What? That they were black? Or red maybe?" she asks, making Charlie shake his head at her. "No, they were yellow. Pale yellow." Charlie says. Dean and Y/n look at each other immediately, both recognizing what that meant.

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