4.12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag - part 2

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(Your POV)

Sam, Dean and I had returned to our room after seeing Jay's show. "Looks like this guy Jay was a pretty big deal in the '70s." Sam says, looking him up on his laptop. "Which in magician land means what, exactly?" Dean asks, making me roll my eyes. "Big enough to play radio city music hall." Sam says again. "Wow." I say impressed.

"What got him stuck in their 'where are they now?' File?" Dean asks. "He got old." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Okay, so maybe incredible Jay is using real magic to stage a comeback." Dean suggests. "It's possible. Some kind of spell that works a death transference." Sam says, making me nod.

"How does the tarot card mix into it?" I ask confused. "I don't know." Sam says. "Man...hope I die before I get old. Whole thing seems brutal, don't it?" Dean asks, making me frown. "You think we will?" I ask, making him frown at me. "What?" he asks.

"Die before we get old." I ask, making him shrug his shoulders. "Haven't Sam and I both already?" he asks me, making me sigh. "You know what she means, Dean. Do you think we'll still be chasing demons when we're 60?" Sam asks for me.

"No, I think we'll be dead...for good. What? You want to end up like -- Like travis? Huh? Or Gordon, maybe?" Dean asks. "There's Bobby." I say with a smile. "Oh, yeah, there's a poster child for growing old gracefully." Dean says, making me frown again. "Hey! Bobby isn't that bad... he has saved our asses on more than one occasion Dean." I say defending him.

"Anyway...Maybe we'll be different, Dean." Sam says. "What kind of Kool-Aid Have you two been drinking? It ends bloody or sad. That's just the life." Dean says. "Ok Debby downer." I say, before taking a sip from my beer. Dean gives me a look and I shake it off. "What if we could win?" Sam then asks.

"Win?" Dean asks confused. "If there was a way we could just...put an end to all of it." Sam says, making me frown. "Is there something going on you're not telling us?" I ask confused.

"No." Sam says evasively. "Sammy." Dean says.

"No. Look, I'm just saying...I just wish there was a way we could...go after the source. That's all. Cut the head off the snake." Sam says, making me sigh and nod. "Well, the problem with the snake is that it has a thousand heads. Evil bitches just keep piling out of the Volkswagen." Dean says. "Yeah. Guess you're right." Sam says sadly. "Why don't you go see if you can track down Jay? Y/n and I will see what we can dig up on this tarot card.


Dean and I had received the news of a second death and immediately went to look. We were now in the hotel Lobby. We saw Sam and walked over to him. "Hey." Sam says when he sees us. "Maid found Jeb hanging from the ceiling fan. Police think it was a suicide." I say. Dean pulls out another tarot card, this time of the hanged man.

"I beg to differ. Pulled a little sleight of hand myself." Dean says. "On Dexter's body?" Sam asks, making me nod. "Yeah, so I'm thinking if this spell is a death transference, then these cards work like black-Magic targets." Dean says. "Any connection between the victims?" Sam asks.

"Jeb was a total douche bag to Jay yesterday." Dean says. "What about the first vic? Uh, Vance?" I ask confused. "Asked around. Apparently, Vance was heckling Jay at the bar the day he was killed." Dean says, making me nod.

"Okay, so Jay sneaks a card into Vance's pocket, does the table of death..." Sam says. "And Vance takes 10 swords to the chest." I continue. "Then Jay slips a noose and Jeb doesn't. Hell of a trick." Sam says. "Yeah, I think it's time we had a little chat with Jay. Any luck tailing him?" Dean asks Sam.

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