4.06 Yellow Fever - part 2

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(Your POV)

We had just arrived at the Lumber mill, and are ready to go in. I see Dean eyeing the building cautiously and nervously. "I'm not going in there." Dean says, making Sam sigh. I give Sam a look and then turn to Dean. "You really rather stay out here by yourself?" I ask, seeing Dean widen his eyes at me.

"No!" he says, making me look at a smiling Sam. Dean then takes a drink of whiskey and turns back to us with confidence. "Let's do this. It is a little spooky, isn't it?" he then says, his newfound confidence quickly crumbling. I roll my eyes and hand him a gun.

"Oh, I'm not carrying that. It could go off. I'll man the flashlight." Dean says, making me frown at him. "You do that." Sam says, patting Dean's shoulder and walking off to the building. I follow Sam, seeing Dean walking closely next to me. He keeps looking over his shoulder every few seconds, flinching at every small sound.

"EMF's not gonna work with me around, is it?" Dean asks, when Sam puts the device on, and it immediately goes off. "You don't say. Come on." Sam says, putting away the device again and walking into another room. "Wait..." Sam says, stopping us, startling Dean in the process. "'To Frank. Love, Jessie.' Frank O'Brien's ring." Sam says, eyeing the ring.

"What the hell was Frank doing here?" Dean asks confused. "No idea." Sam says, confused as well. We walk into a room full of lockers where we hear some type of rustling coming out of one of the lockers. Sam opens the locker in a swift movement and Dean screams loudly after a cat jumped out.

"That was scary!" Dean says panting, making Sam and I look at him in disbelief. We walk into another room, hearing Dean run behind us. "Wait." Dean yells after us. "Luther Garland." Sam says, eyeing an ID card on the desk. I walk over and see Dean pick up a drawing of a woman. "Hey, this is uh...this is Frank's wife." Dean asks. "Plot thickens." Sam says.

Dean touches the drawing again, making me hear a sudden voice. "Please stop" the voice says in a whiny tone. I stop his movements and they both look at me. "What?" Dean asks nervously. "Did you two hear that?" I ask, looking around the room. "Hear what?" Dean asks nervously. "That voice..." I say, seeing Sam frown at me. "I didn't hear any voice Y/n... are you just trying to scare Dean even more?" Sam asks laughing.

"No... I just... nevermind." I say, letting go off Dean's arm. Dean then tears off the drawing and the machines suddenly turn on. "Sam...Y/n..." Dean slowly says, making us look at him. He looks at us terrified, making me frown. "What?" I ask confused. He then points behind us, making us turn around and see someone standing over at the machines.

"Hey!" Sam yells at the ghost and I look behind us, seeing Dean run out of the warehouse. I shoot at the apparition and go after Dean, Sam on my tail. When we get outside, we can see Dean cowering behind the impala. "Guess we got the right place." Sam says, making me nod.


Sam, Dean and I are walking inside the 'peaceful pines assisted living' facility, ready to talk to Mr. Garland. Dean stops us when we walk past one of the residents here, looking at Sam and me with wide eyes.

"This isn't gonna work. Come on, these badges are fake. What if we get busted? We could go to jail." Dean says, looking around nervously. "Dean, shh! Calm down. Deep breath, okay?" I say, seeing him take a deep breath. "There. You feel better?" I ask, seeing him shake his head no at me.

"Just come on. Don't scratch." Sam says, swatting Dean's hand away from his other arm. We walk over to a table and introduce ourselves. "Mr. Garland. Hi uh, I'm Agent Tyler. These are Agent Rose and Agent Perry, FBI. We'd like to ask you a few questions about your brother Luther." Sam says, making me smile at Garland.

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