4.21 When the Levee Breaks - part 2

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(Third POV)

"Monster, Sam. You're a monster." Dean says. "Dean, no." Sam says, shaking his head. "And I tried so hard to pretend that you were my brother. That you weren't one of the filthy things that we hunt. But we're not even the same species. You're nothing to me." Y/n says with a small smirk.

"Don't say that to me. Don't you say that to me." Sam says, a tear in his eyes. Sam then closes his eyes and opens them again, looking around. He sees the room is empty, knowing that it was all a hallucination.

The cuff on Sam's left arm snaps open, then his left ankle, then the other two. The door opens. Sam sits up, staring in disbelief. "Hello?" Sam asks cautiously. Sam gets up and slips out the door. "Someone here?" he asks. Sam hurries quietly out of the basement without noticing Castiel behind the stairs. From a distance, Castiel closes and locks the panic room door.

(Your POV)

I have been outside for about 20 min, not wanting to go back inside after the last conversation with Dean. I know he didn't mean it the way it came across, but it still hurt the same. Suddenly, I feel a weird sensation in my stomach. I look around and begin hearing a sound of buzzing, making me frown at the sky. Inside the buzzing I can hear Dean and me trying to yell at Sam, to make him stop what he is doing. I can hear a faint Ruby voice, egging Sam on to kill her.

I then hear a flutter of wings behind me, making me turn around to face Castiel. "Cas?" I ask confused. "What are you doing here?" I ask. He says nothing and puts a hand on my shoulder. We both disappear from Bobby's and reappear in a bright room.

"Wha? Where are we?" I ask confused, looking around the expensive looking room. Before Castiel can answer me, I hear another voice from behind me. "Good to see you Y/n" I hear. I turn around and my face falls when I see Zachariah standing there.

"What's going on? Where did you take me?" I ask, looking back at Castiel. I see him look down, avoiding my gaze. "No worries. You're safe." Zachariah says, walking a little closer to me. "See this as a 'waiting room'" he then says again, making me frown. "For What?" I ask confused.

"The big fight of course." He says, making my eyes go wide. "You mean the apocalypse?" I ask, seeing him nod at me. "If the apocalypse is going to start, then I need to be down there with my brothers!" I yell in disbelief. "No, you don't. We need you safe and out of the way." He says again.

"Out of the way?" I ask offended. "Yes, see you have probably already noticed that you have special abilities..." Zachariah begins, walking over to the table in the middle of the room. "And those abilities just gave you a sneak peak of what is about to happen." He says, making me frown.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say. "You don't have to lie to me, it was just a matter of time before you figured it our dear. Your abilities have only become stronger and now you heard what Sam is going to do for us." Zachariah says, making me shake my head.

"I don't get it... if Sam is going to kill Lilith, then the apocalypse doesn't happen right? So why is it a bad thing for me to know that?" I ask confused, seeing Zachariah smile at me. My eyes widen at the realization. "Because you want Sam to kill her... and Dean and I tried to stop him... what is going to happen once he kills her?" I ask scared.

"Killing Lilith doesn't stop the apocalypse dear, it begins it." Zachariah explains. "No..." I say, looking over at Castiel, who is still looking at the ground with guilt. "And that is exactly why we need to keep you here, we can't have you running off to Sam and Dean and tell them about it, now can we." Zachariah explains. "Sam and Dean will notice that I'm gone... they will drop everything to find me." I say, seeing Zachariah smirk.

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