4.21 When the Levee Breaks - part 1

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(Your POV)

Dean and I are sitting outside of the panic room. I open the latch to the little barred window in the door. "Okay. Let me out. This is not funny." Sam says through the small window. "Damn straight." I say, scoffing a little. "Y/n, come on. This is crazy." Sam says, making me frown.

"Sam... I want to let you out... but I can't, not when you're like this." I say sadly. "I'm fine, just let me out." Sam says again. "No. Not until you dry out." Dean then says. "Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have lied to you two. Just open the door." Sam pleads.

"You don't have to apologize. It's not your fault. It's not your fault that you lied to us over and over again. I get it now. You couldn't help it." Dean says. "I'm not some junkie." Sam defends. "Really? I guess I've just imagined how strung out you've been lately." I say, scoffing a little.

"You guys actually trying to twist this into some kind of ridiculous drug intervention?" Sam asks in disbelief. "If it smells like a duck." Dean says, making me nod. "Guys, I'm not drinking the demon blood for kicks. I'm getting strong enough to kill Lilith." Sam explains.

"Strong?" Dean asks scoffing. "Yeah." Sam answers. "This is about as far away from strong as you can get. Try weak. Try desperate. Pathetic." Dean says, making me slap his arm. "Ok, that's enough." I say, frowning at him.

"Killing Lilith is what matters. Or are you so busy being self-righteous you forgot about her?" Sam then asks Dean. "Oh, Lilith's gonna die. Bobby, Y/n and I will kill her. But not with you." Dean explains. "You're not serious." Sam says in disbelief.

"Congrats, Sammy. You just bought yourself a benchwarmer seat to the apocalypse." Dean says. "Guys, look—no, wait—" he begins, but gets interrupted by Dean shutting the window cover closed. "Come back here. Guys! Let me out of here! Y/n! Dean! Let me out of here! Let me out!" Sam yells, making me close my eyes when I walk away.


(Third POV)

Sam bangs on the door and circles the room, the room blurs. The light flickers. "Guys! Get down here! Something's coming!" Sam yells. Alastair appears behind Sam, wearing the same body as the time he had killed him.

"Hello, Sam. It's a pleasure to see you again. Looks like I have you all to myself here. Goodness. How will we pass the time?" Alastair asks. Sam is bound to a cross inside a devil's trap, gagged. "Don't. No, no, don't. Don't, don't. No—stop! Stop! Alastair—please. Please." Sam yells.

"So polite all of a sudden. Very nice. I appreciate that." Alastair says mockingly. "No. Alastair, please. No, no—" Sam pleads. Sam screams. He is neither gagged nor bound, he is on the cot in the middle of the devil's trap, arms over the open air on either side. "No. No. God, no! Please! Please, please. God!" he yells again.


Bobby pours three glasses of whiskey, hands one to Dean and another one to Y/N. "Stop! Stop!" They hear Sam yell from the basement. Y/n closes her eyes, trying to drown out the voice of her pained brother. "How long is this gonna go on?" Dean asks, making Y/n look up at Bobby expectantly.

"Here, let me look it up in my demon-detox manual. Oh wait. No one ever wrote one. No telling how long it'll take. Hell, or if Sam will even live through it." Bobby says, making Y/n gulp away the nagging feeling in her stomach.

The phone rings and Bobby sighs and answers. "Hello. ...Suck dirt and die, Rufus. You call me again, I'll kill you." Bobby exclaims. "What's up with Rufus?" Y/n asks, frowning at Bobby. "He knows." Bobby says. The phone rings and Bobby answers again. "I'm busy, you son of a bitch. This better be important." Bobby says.

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