4.04 Metamorphosis - part 1

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(Your POV)

Dean and I had driven around for a little while, mostly because I wanted him to cool off before having another altercation with Sam. Of course, I'm mad as well... but Sam is still our brother, we need to hear him out first before casting judgement on him.

Dean parks the impala and is about to get out, but I stop him. "Dean wait." I say, making him look at me. "We need to listen to what he has to say..." I say, seeing him frown at me. "Did you not see what he did in there?" he asks me, making me sigh. "Yes I did... I don't like this either... but this is Sam...we owe it to him to listen." I say, making him sigh as well.

"Fine...I won't argue with him" he says, getting out of the impala. I roll my eyes, knowing that he has decided to ignore him. We walk over to the door and walk in. I see Sam looking at us from the table, his eyes jumping between Dean and me.

Dean doesn't look at Sam, he walks over to his bed and grabs the bag from underneath it. Sam stands up from his seat and looks at me confused. "Pack your bag." Dean says, looking back at me. "Dean, what are you doing?" Sam asks. Dean just ignores him and continues packing.

When Dean sees me still standing still at the door, he sighs and grabs my bag, packing it for me. "What, are you, are you leaving?" Sam asks, looking at Dean's back in disbelief. I sigh when Dean puts my packed bag in my arms, getting back to pack his own bag.

"You don't need us. You and Ruby go fight demons." Dean says. When he's done packing his own bag as well, he grabs it and walks over to me and motions for me to open the door. Sam stands in the way, so Dean has to go around him. "Hold on. Dean, come on, man." Sam says pleadingly.

Dean turns around and punches him in the face with his right hand, which makes me gasp in horror. "Dean!" I yell. Sam whirls around by the force, but Dean just watches him as he turns back around to him. "You satisfied?" Sam asks shocked. Dean hits him again, and then throws his bag on the floor. I run over, positioning myself between my two brothers. "Stop it!" I yell. Sam touches his lip, which is now bleeding.

"I guess not." Sam mutters. I frown at him and then at Dean. "Do you even know how far off the reservation you've gone? How far from normal? From human?" Dean asks, anger rising inside him again. I hold him back, my eyes pleading him to not hit Sam again.

"I'm just exorcising demons." Sam says, not making the situation better. "With your mind!" Dean yells disgusted. "What else can you do?" Dean then asks calmer, making me look at Sam with the same question on my face.

"I can send them back to hell. It only works with demons, and that's it." Sam says, looking over to me. Dean then tries to charge back at him, but I hold him back. "What else can you do?!" he yells over me. "I told you!" Sam yells back, now looking at Dean with anger as well.

"And we have every reason in the world to believe that." Dean says mockingly. "Y/n doesn't seem that angry with me..." Sam says, making me scoff. "That's because if I showed you how angry I am right now, nobody would be holding Dean back..." I say huffing. "Don't mistake me being silent, with me being ok with this." I say, frowning his way.

"Look, I should have said something." Sam says, his face saddening. "I'm sorry, guys. I am. But try to see the other side here." He says, making Dean scoff. "The other side?" he asks in disbelief. "I'm pulling demons out of innocent people." Sam says, making me look at him sadly. I know he is only doing this because he wants to help, but deep down I feel that this is wrong... and I'm sure he feels it too.

"Use the knife!" Dean exclaims. "The knife kills the victim! What I do, most of them survive! Look, I've saved more people in the last five months than we save in a year." Sam says, making me frown again. "Sam... I know you're only doing this to help people... but it's wrong." I say "You must know that." I say again.

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