4.07 It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester - part 3

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(Your POV)

We are sitting back in the impala, and I can see Sam looking at his hands with a sad expression. "What?" I ask, seeing him look over his shoulder, back at me. "Nothing." He says, looking back down to the hex bag that he was holding.

"I thought they'd be different." Sam then says sighing. "Who, the angels?" I ask, frowning confused. I see Dean looking at Sam now as well. "Yeah." Sam answers sadly. "Well, we tried to tell ya." Dean says, frowning at Sam.

"I just... I mean, I thought they'd be righteous." Sam says, making me look at him confused. "Well, they are righteous, I mean, that's kinda the problem." I say, making Dean nod in agreement. "Of course there's nothing more dangerous than some a-hole who thinks he's on a holy mission." Dean says sighing.

"But, I mean, this is God? And Heaven? This is what I've been praying to?" Sam says, making me sit back in my seat and look at him sadly. I don't like seeing him like this, defeated by the bad decisions of others.

"Look man, I know you're into the whole God thing, you know, Jesus on a tortilla and stuff like that. But just because there's a couple of bad apples doesn't mean the whole barrel's rotten. I mean, for all we know, God hates these jerks. Don't give up on this stuff, is all I'm saying. Babe Ruth was a dick but baseball's still a beautiful game." Dean explains, making me nod as well.

Sam looks at him, but still looks disappointed. He starts to go through the contents of the hex bag in his hand and picks up the bone. "Well, are you gonna figure out a way to find this witch, or are you just gonna sit there fingering your bone?" Dean says, making me sigh and roll my eyes at him.

"You know how much heat it would take to char a bone like this?" Sam asks us, frowning at the bone. "No." Dean says matter-of-factly. "A lot, I mean, more than a fire or some kitchen oven." Sam says, making my eyebrows shoot up. "Omg..." I say, seeing Dean look over at me confused. "Okay, Betty Crocker, what does that mean?" Dean says, his eyes jumping from Sam to me. "Don..." I say, seeing Sam nod at me. "It means we make a stop." Sam says to Dean, who immediately starts the impala and starts driving.


(Third POV)

Castiel is standing and Uriel is sitting on a park bench, as some children skip by in Halloween costumes. "The decision's been made." Castiel says, which makes Uriel laugh. "By mud monkeys." Uriel says, shaking his head. "You shouldn't call them that." Castiel says, remembering what Y/n had said.

"Ah, it's what they are, savages, just plumbing on two legs." Uriel says again. "You're close to blasphemy." Castiel says, making Uriel sigh. "There's a reason we were sent to save him. He has potential, they may succeed here." Castiel says, talking about Dean. Castiel sits down on the bench next to Uriel with a sigh.

"it's out of our hands." Castiel then says. "It doesn't have to be." Uriel says frowning. "And what would you suggest?" Castiel asks, frowning as well. "That we drag Dean and Y/n Winchester out of here and then we blow this insignificant pinprick off the map." Uriel says. "You know our true orders. Are you prepared to disobey?" Castiel asks, making Uriel look at him.


Don starts an incantation, while Tracy is tied up with a rope and a rag wrapped around her mouth, stifling her cries as she struggles to get free. Don is standing at his altar. He takes a knife and a chalice from the table and walks over to Tracy. He runs the tip of the knife down her neck, not drawing blood, but staring at her.

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