4.18 The Monster at the End of This Book - part 3

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(Third POV)

Sam opens the motel door to reveal Chuck. "You wanted to see me?" Chuck asks, making Sam nod at him. "Yeah." He says. Looking around shiftily, Sam opens the door wider and Chuck enters. He shuts the door behind him. "Thanks for coming." Sam says.

"Ah, sure." Chuck says unsure. "Um... I was just wondering how much you know. About me." Sam asks nervously. "What do you mean?" Chuck asks confused. "Have you seen visions of me when I'm not with Dean or Y/n?" Sam asks again awkwardly, making Chuck nod.

"Oh... You want to know if I know about the demon blood." Chuck says, making Sam sigh. "You didn't tell Y/n and Dean." Sam says frowning. "I didn't even write it into the books. I was afraid it would make you look unsympathetic." Chuck says with a frown.

"Unsympathetic?" Sam asks confused. "Yeah, come on, Sam. I mean, sucking blood? You got to know that's wrong." Chuck says. "It scares the hell out of me. I mean, I feel it inside of me. I... I wish to god I could stop." Sam says, running his hand over his hair. "But you keep going back." Chuck says, frowning again.

"What choice have I got? If it helps me kill Lilith and stop the apocalypse –" Sam says, getting interrupted by Chuck. "I thought that was Dean's job. That's what the angels say, right?" Chuck asks confused. "Dean's not... he's not Dean lately. Ever since he got out of hell. He needs help." Sam says.

"So you got to carry the weight?" Chuck asks confused again. "Well, he's looked out for me my whole life. I can't return the favor?" Sam asks in disbelief. "Yeah, sure you can. I mean, if that's what this is." Chuck says shrugging his shoulders. "What else would it be?" Sam asks offended.

"I don't know. Maybe the demon blood makes you feel stronger? More in control?" Chuck suggests, making Sam shake his head. "No. That's not true." Sam defends. "I'm sorry, Sam. I know it's a terrible burden – feeling that it all rests on your shoulders." Chuck says. "Does it? All rest on my shoulders?" Sam asks. "That seems to be where the story's headed." Chuck says sighing. "Am I strong enough to stop Lilith tonight?" Sam asks again. "I don't know. I haven't seen that far yet." Chuck says sadly.


(Your POV)

I see Dean slowly waking up and I sigh in relief. "Oh my god. Just take it easy, you're gonna be okay." The woman that hit him says. "Stars." I hear Dean says, making me frown. I look over at the woman and see that she was wearing earrings in the shape of stars, making my eyebrows shoot up.

"I'm so sorry. I just didn't see you. Are you okay?" the woman says again, helping Dean to sit upright. "And sorry about... you know." She says, pointing at Dean's forehead. I chuckled a little at the pink band aids. "M-My daughter's going through a doctor phase." She says again, making Dean frown and look over at me.

"What are you talking about?" he asks. "You're all better now." The girl says before walking away. He pulls off one of the band aids and looks at me with horror in his eyes. I then look over at the Impala, seeing that the back window was shattered by those teens.

"Oh, no..." Dean says, following my gaze. He stands up and walks over to the car, clearly fuming. We both get into the car and Dean starts driving, the tarp that he has put over the back window is flapping in the wind like the wings of a crow.


Chuck unlocks the door to his house and enters. He walks in slowly and does not appear very surprised to find Dean and me sitting in his living room. "Dean. Y/n" he says matter-of-factly. "I take it you knew we'd be here." I say, seeing him nod at me. "You look terrible." He then says to Dean, making me smile.

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