4.20 The Rapture - part 1

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(Your POV)

I'm walking through a park, smiling when I see squirrels run past me. I turn to follow them, but I gasp in surprise at the angel suddenly in front of me. "Cas? You nearly gave me a heart attack..." I say, grabbing my chest. "That's not possible, we need to talk." He says, making me frown at him.

I look around and see everything around me is frozen. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?" I ask, seeing him nod at me. "It's not safe here. Someplace more private." He says, nervously looking around us. "More private? We're inside my head." I say in disbelief.

"Exactly. Someone could be listening." He says, worry on his face. "Cas, what's wrong?" I ask, putting my hand on his arm, making him look at me. "Meet me here." He says, handing me a piece of paper. "Go now." He says disappearing. I wake up with a gasp.


Dean, Sam and I walk through the warehouse with our flashlights on. I had woken up at the motel with a scream, seeing both brothers look over at me with worry. I had told them what just had happened, and we raced to this address. They both had tried getting more information from me, but I had told them I didn't know more.

"Well, what did he say, Y/n? What was so important?" Dean asks me, making me roll my eyes. "For the hundred time, I don't know." I say, looking back at my two brothers. "If I knew, would I be here?" I ask, making Dean frown. We all ascend a set of stairs and stop at what we see in front of us.

"What the hell?" Dean says. "It looks like a bomb went off." Sam says. "There was a fight here." I say, touching the ground and getting a weird feeling. "Between who?" Sam asks me, making me look up at him with a frown. "Does it look like I know?" I ask annoyed.

Dean's flashlight beam lands on a symbol painted in blood on the wall. "Check it out. Look familiar?" Dean asks, making us look at the symbol. "Yeah, it does." I say frowning. "Anna used something like that to wish the angels back to the cornfield." Dean explains.

"So, what? Cas was fighting angels?" Sam asks confused. "I don't know." Dean says. I scan the room and see Castiel lying on the ground in the rubble. "Guys!" I yell, running over to the body on the floor. "Cas? Cas. Hey, Cas?" I try, shaking him a little, my eyes searching for his.

"What's ...? What's ...? What's going on?" Castiel asks, making me sigh in relief. "Just take it easy. Take it easy." Dean says from behind me. "Oh. No." Cas says, his voice sounding different. "Cas, you okay?" I ask confused. "Ugh. Castiel. I'm not Castiel. It's me." He says, frowning at me.

"Who's 'me'?" Sam asks. "Jimmy. My name's Jimmy." Jimmy explains. "Where the hell is Castiel?" I ask him, worry evident in my voice. "He's gone." Jimmy says again.


(Third POV)

Jimmy sits at a table and devours a hamburger while Dean, Y/n and Sam watch. "Mmm." Jimmy says. "You mind slowing down? You're gonna give me angina." Dean says, frowning at the sight. "I'm hungry." Jimmy explains, defending himself.

"When's the last time you ate?" Y/n asks confused. "I don't know. Months." Jimmy says, shrugging her way. He takes another bite of his hamburger and then continues to eat ravenously. "What the hell happened back there? It looked like an angel battle royal." Sam says.

"All I remember is a flash of light and I, uh . . . I woke up and I was just, you know, like, me again." Jimmy explains, shrugging his shoulders again. "So, what? Cas just ditched out of your meat suit?" Y/n asks in disbelief. "I really don't know." Jimmy says again, looking her in the eyes.

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