4.09/ 4.10 I Know What You Did Last Summer - part 3

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(Your POV)

I'm sitting next to Anna, when suddenly someone knocks on the cabin door. Ruby walks over, opening the door, Sam and Dean come rushing inside. "Glad you could make it." Ruby says, rolling her eyes. "Y/n? you ok?" Dean asks, walking over to me. "Yeah I'm fine." I say, slightly frowning at his worry.

"Anna, are you okay?" Sam then asks, making her nod. "Yeah. I think so. Ruby's not like other demons. She saved my life." She says. "Yeah, I hear she does that." Dean says, making me frown. "What are you talking about?" I ask, seeing him shrug. "Long story, I'll explain later." He says, making me nod.

"I guess I... You know." Dean then says awkwardly to Ruby. I raise my eyebrows at the sight. "What?" Ruby asks impatiently. "I guess I owe you for... Sam. And I just wanted... you know..." Dean says, making me look at him in disbelief. "Don't strain yourself." Ruby says mockingly.

"Okay, then. Is the moment over?" Dean asks, making Ruby nod. "Good, 'cause that was awkward." Dean says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, Sam, you think it'd be safe to make a quick call, just to tell my parents I'm okay? They must be completely freaked." Anna then says, making me awkwardly look away.

"Uh..." Sam says nervously. Anna looks my way, frowning. "What?" she asks when she sees me avoiding her gaze. "Anna, um... Your parents..." I say, seeing her frown even more. "What about them?" she says, her voice breaking a little. "Look, I'm sorry." I say, biting my lip. "No, they're not..." Anna says, shaking her head at me. "Anna, I'm sorry." I say, slowly nodding at her.

"Why is this happening to me?" Anna asks, making me sigh. I'm wondering the same thing about myself. "I don't know." Sam says, looking at Anna and then looking at me. "They're coming." Anna then says, looking at the door. Dean grabs her arm and guides her to the back of the cabin. "Back room." He says to her, making her run in the room and close the door behind her.

"Where's the knife?" I ask, seeing my brothers empty hands. "Uh... about that..." Dean says, with a sheepish smile. "You're kidding." Ruby exclaims. "Hey, don't look at me." Dean says, pointing at Sam, who frowns his way. "Thanks a lot." Sam says.

"Great. Just peachy. Impeccable timing, guys, really." Ruby says, throwing her hands in the air. I prepare myself for demons to enter, when the door violently rattles and then bursts open. I see Castiel and Uriel enter, making me slightly sigh in relief. I can see Ruby still her movements, in shock of the sight in front of her.

"Please tell me you're here to help. We've been having demon issues all day." Dean says, making Uriel scoff. "Well, I can see that." He says, looking at Ruby. I don't fully trust her, since I still have a bad feeling about her that I can't place. But since Dean now trusts her, I don't want anything to happen to her either.

"You want to explain why you have that stain in the room?" Uriel asks, making me frown. "You tell us...it just walked in..." I say, shooting daggers at Uriel with my eyes. Ruby looks at me, giving me a small smile in appreciation that I stood up for her. Uriel frowns at me, anger evident in his eyes. "Well that's not a pretty face..." I say mockingly.

"We're here for Anna." Castiel says, looking my way. "Here for her like... here for her?" Dean asks confused. "Stop talking. Give her to us." Uriel says, making me look at the two angels in disbelief. "Are you gonna help her?" Sam asks, making me look at Castiel pleadingly. "No, she has to die." Castiel says, making me frown at him again.

"You want Anna? Why?" Sam asks in disbelief. A feeling of dread fills my body. If they want to kill Anna because she can hear voices, would they kill me for it as well? Is that what Anna meant when she said I need to be protected?

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