4.03 In the Beginning - part 1

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(Third POV)

Dean and Y/n are both asleep on the two beds, Sam pauses and looks at them before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. In the room, Dean stirs from his dream. He wakes to find Castiel sitting on his bed.

"Hello, Dean. What were you dreaming about?" Castiel asks, making Dean look over to a sleeping Y/n in the other bed. "What, do you get your freak on by watching other people sleep? What do you want?" Dean asks, making Y/n slightly stir.

"Listen to me. You two have to stop it." Castiel says, glancing over to Y/n. "Stop what?" Dean asks confused. Castiel puts two fingers on Dean's forehead, making him disappear. He then walks over to the bed where Y/n is still asleep and sits down next to her.

He looks at her face and frowns. He moves a piece of hair out of her face, which makes her wake up slowly. When she sees Castiel sitting there, she jerks back a little. "Wha?" she asks, but Castiel immediately puts two fingers on her forehead, sending her to the same place he has send Dean.

(Your POV)

I slowly wake up, seeing Dean asleep next to me on a street bench. A policeman walks over and nudges Dean awake. "Move it – you two can't sleep here." He says, making Dean wake up. "Okay... sleep... where?" he asks hoarsely.

"Anywhere but here." The policeman says, walking away. Dean looks over at me, and sees my face filled with fear. "What the hell happened? Last thing I remember is waking up to Castiel sitting next to me and him laying his hand on my forehead..." I say, making him nod. "Yeah... he did the same with me... he said we had to stop it." Dean says, making me frown. "Stop what?" I ask, making him shrug.

"Perfect..." Dean says, looking at his phone and showing it to me: 'No signal'. We get up and walk towards a diner, getting inside and sitting ourselves down at the bar. "Hey, where the hell are we?" Dean asks a young guy sitting next to him. He looks at Dean and I confused and then nervously laughs. "Jay Bird's Diner." He answers.

"Yeah, thanks. I mean, uh... city and state." Dean asks again, making the young man frown ever more. "Lawrence, Kansas." He answers. "Lawrence?" I ask confused, with wide eyes. "Hey, you two okay?" he asks, eyeing us suspiciously. "Yeah, tough night." Dean answers for the both of us, making me nod in agreement.

"Hey, uh, two coffees here, Reg." the man says again, pointing to Dean and me. "Okay, coming right up." The man behind the counter says. Dean pulls his cell phone from his pocket, still no signal on it. "Can you tell me where I can get reception on this thing?" Dean asks, making the man frown again.

"The USS Enterprise?" he answers confused. I look at Reg as he brings the coffee over. Reg is dressed in 1970s hippie gear – think early Sonny Bono. I frown at Dean, seeing he has noticed it too. "Thanks... nice threads. You know Sonny and Cher broke up, right?" Dean asks jokingly. "Sonny and Cher broke up?" the man next to us asks in disbelief.

I look around the diner and notice that everyone is dressed in 1970s-era clothes. I look at the newspaper the young man is reading. The headline reads "Nixon accepts resignation of top..." and the date is Monday, April 30, 1973. I mouth the words 'Seventy-three.' At Dean, making him look at the newspaper as well. Then another man enters the diner.

"Hey, Winchester." The man says, making both Dean's and my head shot up. The man shakes the hand of the young man who is sitting next to us. "Son of a bitch. How you doing, Corporal?" the older man asks, making Dean look at me in disbelief. "Hey, Mr. D." the man next to us says.

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