4.09/ 4.10 I Know What You Did Last Summer - part 2

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(Your POV)

Sam, Dean and I enter the attic of the church with our guns drawn. "Dean, Y/n..." Sam says, pointing with his gun towards a person hiding. "Anna?" Sam asks, making us put away our guns. "We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help. My name is Sam. These are my sister Y/n and my brother Dean." Sam says.

"Sam? Not Sam Winchester?" Anna asks, making us share a look. "Uh, yeah." Sam says. "And you're Y/n Winchester?" she asks me, making me nod. "And you... you're Dean. The Dean?" she asks, making Dean smirk. "Well, yeah. The Dean, I guess." He says, making me roll my eyes at him.

"It's really you. Oh, my god. The angels talk about you. You were in Hell, but Castiel pulled you out, and some of them think you can help save us. And some of them don't like you at all. [looking at Sam] And they talk about you all the time lately [looking at me]. I feel like I know you all." She says, making me frown.

"So, you talk to angels?" I ask, making her shake her head. "Oh, no. No, no way. Um, they probably don't even know I exist." She says, frowning when she finishes. "Your voice...I've heard it before." She then says to me. "What? When?" I ask in disbelief. "I don't know... a few days ago... I heard your voice say 'hello'" she says, making me gulp and my eyes widen.

I look over at Dean, my face going white. He sees this and jumps in, trying to change the subject for me. "So, the angels?" Dean asks, waiting for Anna to finish. "Oh right... yes well I just kind of... overhear them." She explains. "You overhear them?" Sam asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, they talk, and sometimes I just... hear them in my head." She explains, making me frown. Is that what is happening to me? Because I don't hear angels... I just hear things about the cases we are on... "Like... right now?" Dean asks frowning. "Not right this second, but a lot. And I can't shut them out, there are so many of them." She says again, making me frown harder. That is definitely not what is happening to me. Sure, I can't shut it off either, but there are never multiple voices speaking at once.

"So, they lock you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just... tuning in to angel radio?" I ask confused, making her smile at me. "Yes. Thank you." She exclaims. "Anna, when did the voices start? Do you remember?" Sam asks. "I can tell you exactly -- September 18th." She says, making me frown, for me, the weird things started a little earlier than that, but not that much earlier. "The day I got out of Hell." Dean says.

"First words I heard, clear as a bell – 'Dean Winchester is saved.'" She says with a smile. "What do you think?" Dean asks me, making me shrug. "It's not the same as my situation..." I say, making Anna frown at me. "I hear voices too... I heard yours and that's why we came to look for you... but I don't hear angels or anything that you just described." I say, making her nod at me.

"I heard something about you... something the angels said." She says, making my eyes go wide. "What was it?" I ask, seeing Dean hold me back. "I don't know... you sure you want to know?..." Dean asks, making me frown at him. "What if knowing, will make it even worse?" he asks with worry. "It's not much that I know... just that you need to be protected. That you have a big part to play in the apocalypse and that they want you on heavens side. You're very powerful." She says, making me frown.

"I don't know about that... whatever it is that is happening to me... I'm not able to control any of it." I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Hey, um, do you know -- are my parents okay? I -- I didn't go home. I was afraid." Anna asks, making me look at the ground. Ruby suddenly enters into the attic in a rush.

"You got the girl. Good, let's go." She says, making Anna scream. "Her face!" she says, cowering behind me. "It's okay. She's here to help." Sam says. "Yeah, don't be so sure." Dean says annoyed. "We have to hurry." Ruby says. "Why?" I ask nervously. "Because a demon's coming -- big-timer." She says to me. "We can fight later, Dean." She then says, looking over to my brother.

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