Chapter Fourteen

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Author's Note: not much of an author's note today just wanted to say hi and thanks for reading and enjoy :)


We reached 1 . 2 7 freaking THOUSAND reads and I am so excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your love and support and reads mean the world to me and I am absolutely touched by your commitment to this series. And while we're on the topic My Brother's Friend has reached 18.6 K reads! How nuts is that?!?!? The idea that so many of you are out there reading my random writing.... is just mind blowing. I know I haven't been updating much recently, but it isn't because I want to neglect my lovely readers I just have a lot going on right now, so please stick with me at this time. I love y'all to the moon and back again!

xoxo, Rosie

P. S. The reason why this update came so late is because I finished the chapter and my computer crashed and deleted all of it before I could save it. I was very angry... but I've rewritten, so here it is and I hope you guys like it

. . .

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Whatever you believe

About yourself on the inside

Is what you will manifest

On the outside

- Unknown


I've made bad decisions

We both have

So I'm sorry

- Unknown

- -

. . .


Hours before the incident

Mason's POV

Emma complains about me complaining the entire drive down. "You're being a baby," she says, rolling her eyes. "He said lovely things about you and all you can say is that he has the hots for me when he is married."

"Being married doesn't necessarily change how you feel," I say, tapping my fingers restlessly on the steering wheel. Emma groans and turns the radio up. So maybe I'm being a little over dramatic, but I know Kyle's game. I mean what the hell was he doing saying nice things about me? We hated each other the entire summer.

"You had better not still be sulking when we get there," Emma warns. "It's really nice of them to invite us over. I mean dammit Mason his wife is going to be there."

"Yeah... I know," I mutter. It's starting to drizzle a little and I turn on the windshield wipers. Imagining Emma flirting with another guy after I just got her back sets my teeth on edge.

"Mason you just have to trust me."

"I do." She sighs and puts her hand on my knee. It offers me a little comfort, but not enough.

Kyle and his new wife Julie live about an hour and a half from Emma's mom's house. The rain is falling hard when we finally pull into the driveway of a quaint house on the corner of the street. "Looks nice," Emma says when I pull the keys from the ignition.

"I guess so." She just rolls her eyes and grabs up the brownies she baked last night, pushing open the car door. "Emma!" I shout, reaching into the backseat to grab the umbrella, but she just closes the door and heads up the walkway. The message is clear: I'm pushing it too far.

I scramble out of the car and ran to meet her just as the door swings open. "Hey!" I hear and there's Kyle. I narrow my eyes at him. He hasn't changed a bit. "Come in you're getting soaked!" He cries a relatively believable grin on his face. Emma smiles and steps inside. He immediately throws his arms around her giving her a tight squeeze that makes me feel sick.

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