Chapter Thirteen

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Author's Note: omigod since my last post this story has gotten a hundred more reads! 935 reads in total how crazy is that we are soooo close to 1 K and I am so freaking excited. I know y'all don't comment that much, but I've decided that if you want to you can ask any questions for each of the characters or the actual me to answer. I would love to do this so if you want comment comment comment! Enjoy the new chapter

xoxo, Rosie

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Because nothing

Makes me sadder

And nothing

Makes me happier

Than you.

- Unknown


Lost is a lovely place to find yourself

- Michael Faudet

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Home Again

1 1/2 weeks until the incident

Mason's POV

I'm filled with panic and anxiety as we walk through the atrium hand in hand. Emma and I have only been back together for a few days now and in that time we have packed up our stuff and are heading back to New York for Christmas. I can't say I'm looking forward to seeing Daniel.

"Hey calm down. It'll be fine," Emma says to me when we get into the taxi.

"Yeah... I'm not so sure about that. Daniel made it pretty clear that if I ever hurt you he would skin me alive. I would consider leaving you alone pregnant hurting you wouldn't you?"

Emma flinches and I realize my harsh tone. "Sorry," I mutter. "I'm just on edge." I run a hand through her silky hair.

"I get that," she whispers, leaning into me and I am relieved again. She has so much power over me and over my mood. My kryptonite.

We stay silent for the rest of the ride watching as the scenery becomes more and more hauntingly familiar. Emma's head rests on my shoulder and I glance down at her. Her eyes are open, staring and I know she's worried too.

And then it appears the sign proclaiming our entrance into York Falls. Oh god Daniel's gonna kill me. We pass the frozen river where Emma and I went swimming the first day we returned from camp when she rescued me from the clutches of my father and we turn down our street. I can see Daniel's car from here parked outside the boarding house. And across the street is my house looking gloomy, the lawn unmowed, the windows dark. The taxi pulls up to the curb and I hand the driver my credit card.

As soon as we get our stuff from the trunk the cab speeds off and we're left staring at her house. Suddenly we're met by the sound of a screeching screen door and I see Lucy stepping outside. "Emma! Baby!" she shouts, her face splitting with a smile. Emma and her mother run for each other with so much enthusiasm and cheesiness it's comical.

They hug, rocking back and forth in each other's arms for the next few seconds before the door opens again and Daniel steps out. "What the fuck is he doing here?" he asks, his words cutting like daggers.

"Daniel wait-" Emma starts to say.

"No Emma I can handle this," I say.

Daniel growls, "Like hell you can," and launches himself across the yard at me. I stumble backwards a few steps before his fist connects his my face. I fall into the snow. He comes down on top of me, smashing his fist against my nose.

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