Chapter 25

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while-- I needed a short break, but I'm back. So I was thinking... if y'all want to you can ask me questions or ask the characters questions in the comments and I'll answer them. It can be about anything. I've been reading a lot more Wattpad books recently in my free time and I keep wishing authors would do these more, so I thought... if you guys want to participate go right ahead. So yeah... I hope you like the book. 25 chapter woohoo! Enjoy!

xoxo, Rosie Posie

P.S. I was in the car with my sister today and we got in a car crash (OMG) it wasn't serious, but my sister scratched/dented the other driver's car. Just a reminder to drive safe!

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A Lot Happens

Mason's POV

Three months in the future

He pours me another drink. "So what happened?"

I gaze down at the caramel liquid filling my glass half way before downing it, placing it back on the table for another. "What always happens," I say, my voice hoarse. Daniel stares at me. "One of us fell in love and the other didn't."

Present Day

Something's wrong with Emma. It's been two weeks since she started her job at the magazine and while she's been pretending everything's fine I've noticed a few things. She comes home every night drained, but determined to look like its alright, like she's happier than ever. She doesn't eat anymore, hardly even picks at her food or claims she had a big lunch. Bull shit, is what I think. There's something wrong and I'm determined to find out what it is and make it stop. I want the love of my life back. "Do you want me to drive you to work today?" I ask, stirring the oatmeal I'm making.

"No it's fine, I'm getting a ride actually," she says. She's standing in that lazy, seductive way I like. She's flipping through a magazine on the counter, leaning on her elbows, butt out, back straight.

"Oh yeah? With whom?"

She looks up from her magazine and stares at me. "Just a... woman from work. Why?"

"I was just wondering. So you are making friends?"

"Yeah. What did I say that gave you the impression that I wasn't," she demands. I shrug and turn off the stove.

"Mason Styles! I am an extremely likable person!" She exclaims and I grin.

"I never said you weren't."

"You implied!" Emma says, sticking her tongue out at me.

"Wow you're right! You are the adult in this relationship." I run around the kitchen island and she shrieks as I tickle her ribs. She leans into me, her elbow pressed against my torso, giggling and trying to tickle me back with no avail. One thing that cheers her up above it all-- which she refuses to acknowledge is true-- is tickling.

"Mason!" she screams, running away from me and I laugh, toppling over the couch to get to her. She holds a pillow up to protect herself, her smile stretching from ear to ear the way I like. I easily snatch the pillow out of her hands and toss her onto the couch, climbing on top of her. She grins up at me. "I have work in 20 minutes."

"I don't need that long," I say and push her hair away from her neck, trailing kisses over her soft skin. She giggles in the cute way that I love and I unzip the side of her dress. She arches her back so I can shimmy it off her body, but before it even reaches her ankles there's a honk outside.

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