Chapter One

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Author's Note: Nothing to say, but I love ya'll. Enjoy!

xoxo, Rosie

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. . .

If we could go back

To the day we met

I'm sorry,

But I would turn around

And walk the other way

- m. b.

. . .

- -

Here We Go Again

Mason's POV

"So why do you think that is? That love is the most powerful thing we feel? It conquers hate and pregidious. Why is that?"

Someone raises their hand. "Yes?"

"Because people like to feel important?"

Everyone chuckles lightly and Mr. Warner laughs too, nodding. "Sure, that's true. Love does give us the sense of importance, that 'I matter' feeling, but isn't it more than that? Hate and love are often used almost like adjectives. We show how we feel about things by saying, 'Ooooh I love that Gucci blah blah blah," or 'I hate McDonalds,' but love is the purest emotion we feel. It is behind every hesitation, every action, everything in general. It is pure and unyielding. It is forever."

Pure. Unyielding. Forever.

I stare at him for a moment, Mr. Warner in his ratty old khakis, orange button down shirt, and a corduroy, brown vest. His beard is overgrown.

And yet this man is the one who finally said what I needed to hear. It was the one year anniversary of my leaving home and heading to Northwestern. That day I had considered skipping class and instead staying in my dorm moping around. I'm glad I didn't.

It took months. A few hard months. I applied to CU (which after some research I learned was where Emma had chosen to go), got my deposit back from student housing, rented an apartment off campus, packed up my stuff and moved.

By then it was my Sophomore year of college, about two months into classes. I was still determined. I had a girl to win back.

Emma's POV

Senior Year- Graduation

I stand in line with Amanda, my friend I met this year. She was new and when we met she still had not heard the stories of my junior year pregnancy. She's sweet, but feisty. And somehow she stuck with me all year.

"Nervous?" she asks, laughing as I tap my foot rapidly against the tile floor.

"Not at all, big crowds, stages, high heels, and long robes don't scare me ah all. You?"

Amanda shakes her head, tucking her brown hair behind her ears. "Not at all. I'm excited."

"We're finally getting out of this place," I mutter. My eyes find the spot in the courtyard where I once saw the video of Brianna and Mason kissing a year ago. A shiver runs down my spine and I turn away as if I can see it happening right before my eyes.

"Finally," she agrees and then pulls me into a bear hug. "I'll miss you. Why does California have to be so damn far from Boston?"

I laugh, "I don't know, geography is against us." She smiles, but her eyes are glassy with tears that I know she won't cry.

"You guys are up next," one of the teachers tells our group and we all head through the hallway to the exit that leads to the stage they set up outside.

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