Chapter 28

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Author's Note: So again delays have been happening, mostly because of how hard school has been working me, I've been sick and also been in the hospital for an allergic reactions, and finally and most importantly, because I have been working on other books on here. I have posted a new story called It's Not Going Well about a girl and her experiences with love. It'll be for my slightly more mature audience if anyone is interested and a story called Moon and Back about three best friends, probably dabbling in the same kind of maturity as this book. SO yeah. Check them out if you're interested. I love you guys all and your support is amazing. I would just love to get you guys to see some of my other work as well. Obviously these books are my first priority though, because of the TRILOGY. Omigosh so excited for book three, hope y'all are too. Love ya and enjoy!

xoxo, Rosie

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"Love is the purest emotion we feel. It is behind every hesitation, every action, everything in general. It is pure and unyielding. It is forever." 

- Mr. Warner (My Friend's Sister, Chapter One)

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Mason's POV

School days go by and I live them like a zombie. I wander through the halls blindly, one class to the other. I get home and I sleep. I sleep til the middle of the night, I finish my homework and then I sit staring at the walls until I can't think any more. And I wander through the day like that again. An endless cycle of emptiness. 

It's not the same as the first time we broke up. I left her, I had a life to follow. There was no cheating, no lying, just two different paths. It's different than the complete dread that came to me trying to take my own life. Not that my skin and my blade have been strangers since she left. I have been desperately trying to feel the pain that makes me feel human. Otherwise I am nothing. I am a useless person with no goals, no carrier to speak of. When I try to paint I just end up staring at an empty canvas, my brush hovering above the paint. And then I'll scream and I'll kick and I'll wreck everything so that as soon as my breathing is calm, I have to clean it all up again. 

There's a knock at my door, just as I'm about to climb into bed and fall asleep. It's still light outside, granted, so I stand up and peer through the peep hole. Daniel.

"Hey man," he says as soon as he steps inside.

"Hey... what're you doing here?"

"I was in the area," he lies and gives me a bro-hug. 

I nod, "Okay," deciding not to call his bluff.

"So how've you been?... I um... I heard from Emma."

He glances around the apartment as if he thinks we're playing some elaborate prank on him and soon she'll jump out from behind the couch shouting "Surprise!"

"Yeah, I um... I'm fine man. How have you been?"

"You look like a mess," he says, evading my question. I don't take offense because we've always been pretty open with each other, but as I look at him, I notice he too looks a bit rugged. 

"You do too. What's going on?"

He sighs, "Okay fine. I'll be honest. I didn't just fly down here to make sure you were alright after the breakup. I'm going through a rough patch with my lady as well."

"Your lady? I didn't even know you were in a serious relationship," I say frowning. We tell each other everything. We text a few times a week, where has this information been?

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