Chapter Ten

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Author's Note: Hello lovelies! Hope you guys are having a wonderful day today (I sure am because my school had a snow day today and it was FANTASTIC). So yeah... the book got a little intense last chapter, so I'm gonna make this chapter a little lighter hearted (a little). Hope you're enjoying reading this!

xoxo, Rosie

- -

. . .


We fall

in love

with the people

we can never




Imagine meeting


who understood

even the dustiest corners

of your

mixed-up soul


. . .

- -

Never Let Go

Emma's POV

It's Monday. One day since I left Mason without a word and two days since I almost got raped at a frat party. I put my hair up in a ponytail and give myself a good look in the mirror. There are circles under my eyes and my skin looks dull. I like my chapped lips and check my phone. Alexander has been texting me, but I don't really feel like answering. I open my contacts and stare at Mason's number. My heart hurts a little bit as I stare at that number, an old picture of him sleeping as his contact. I think I took it while we were at camp.

Naomi knocks at my door. "Come in," I say, She steps inside timidly. She's been walking on eggshells around me ever since she found out about what happened at the party.

"Sorry to bother you... I just wanted to make sure you were up. Your first class starts soon right?"

"Yeah," I say, running my hands over my jeans.

She rocks back and forth on her heels, "Okay well I'm going to go." I nod and stand up, grabbing my bag. Heading out of the dorm I walk to my first class building. The sky is gray overhead. I accidentally step into a puddle soaking my converse sneakers. When I get to the front doors Alexander is waiting outside for me.

"Hey!" he says. "Where have you been? I've been texting you constantly." I twist my ponytail around my finger absent mindedly.

"I've been... busy," I say and push open the doors.

Alexander doesn't let it go. "Busy?" he asks incredulously. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"It means busy," I say and climb the stairs to my seat. I take off my coat and hang it over the back of my chair. "I'm sorry that I forgot to text you back."

"Does this have to do with Mason?" he spits. "Because if I find out he's involved then I swear to God-"

"What?" I snap. "What will you do?" Alexander opens his mouth to speak, but then the professor comes into the room and he grits his teeth.

"We'll talk about this later," he snaps and dashes back down the stairs.

I feel sick as I sit down, opening up my textbook. Class passes by without my knowledge. My mind wanders from Alexander and his temper to Mason. I shouldn't have left him. I'm a fool. But after the night before I just didn't feel like answering questions or being social at all. He would have been sweet and I would feel guilty. So I left. Putting my head in my hands I try to block out the sounds of my classmates and my professor droning on and on. I'll explain myself to Mason as soon I get to my next class.

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