Chapter 26

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Author's Note: hello again guys. Apologies for the delay once again I've been trying to enjoy my last few weeks of summer and been on vacation. Because dreaded school begins again on the 24th. How horrible? Also my boyfriend is going to Brazil in like 3 days, so I've been trying to spend time with him before he leaves.

Any who sorry if you're disappointed by the last few chapters, they've been a tad bit of fillers, but now back to the good juicy stuff. I'm going to try to make this chapter EXTRA long (like super duper long because they are normally pretty dang short). Keep reading and I hope you enjoy!

xoxo, Rosie

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. . .

I knew a lot about love

I knew a lot about you

But now I know

More about heartbreak

Than either of the two


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Push and Pull

Emma's POV

It's Friday. I'm off of work and Mason is at a gallery. It's his first time he was sought out by another artist to share his opinion on the pieces. He was so excited that I couldn't- I just couldn't ruin his mood by telling him how I was going to spend my evening catching up with Kyle.

I pull a black flowy dress over my head and slip on a pair of maroon flats, turning in front of the mirror. My blonde hair is straightened and pulled back in a sleek ponytail. My phone vibrates on the bed and I see that it's from Kyle. I slide to answer and he immediately starts speaking, "So I've decided."


"Indian food it is." I laugh. He's been texting me all day, trying to decide between Indian and Mexican food. Personally I was rooting for Indian, but I didn't want to be greedy and sway his decision process.

"Hurray!" I say, grabbing my purse and my lipstick. "Oh I've just remembered, you don't have our address to pick me up do you?"

"'Our address?" he repeats.

I pause what I'm doing, recalling that the last time I saw Kyle I still lived with Naomi in a dorm on campus. "Yeah, Mason and I live together now."

"Oh... great," he says. "I'm so happy for you both." He doesn't sound too enthusiastic, but I try not to read too much into it.

"Yes, we're very happy. So I'll text you the address, yeah? Then you can just text me when you get here and I'll be right down."

"Good plan. See you in a bit, bye."

"Bye." I hang up grab a cartigan, throwing it over my arm before I go into the living room and turn on the TV. Friends reruns are playing as usual so I sit back and enjoy, although its that time when Ross owns a monkey, which is by far my least favorite part of the show. About fifteen minutes into the next episode my phone chimes and there's a text from Kyle saying he's here. I turn off the TV and grab my keys out of my purse. Opening and then closing the door behind me. The guy who lives across the hall is going into his apartment and he waves at me in a friendly kind of way. I like him despite the fact that the only times we've talked were regarding Mason's disappearance.

I hurry down the steps and see Kyle sitting in the front seat of a rental car. He waves at me and climbs out of the car, making his way around to hug me. "Hey, how've you been?" he asks as soon as we split apart.

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