Chapter Eleven

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Author's Note: like I promised I am updating this story right now. I'm pretty excited because this is the chapter that everything has been leading up to! So yeah... I'm not going to ramble in this author's note because I'm sure y'all just want me to get on with it. Enjoy!

xoxo, Rosie

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I was a book

You dusted me off

Started filling my pages

With beautiful words

And when you left

It felt like

My favorite chapter were being

Ripped out of me

Page by page

- P. M.


I let you in

Close enough

To watch me sleep

And you left a hole in me

I let you dance

Close enough

For skin to blend

And you left a hole in me

I let you look

Close enough

To see the love I hide

And now I watch the smoke rise

from where you left a whole in me

- Cory Basil

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Love Broken

Mason's POV

I knock back my first shot after abandoning my beer and the bartender gives me a quick look over before pouring me another. "You sure you're okay, dude?" he asks.

"Fine," I snap. He shrugs and I roll my eyes, tugging at the sleeves on my sweatshirt to make sure its covering my wrists. I've been spending a lot of my time at this bar recently, but the bartender is a prick. I down the shot and the burning liquor makes me feel a little drowsy and also a little more like doing something regretful. "I want another one," I say.

The bartender presses his lips together, but still pours the next shot. "Mason?" I hear behind me. I turn in my stool and see Emma standing behind me. Her clothes are rumpled, her hair falling out of its ponytail, and she gripping that silly music box in her arms like her life depends on it. But seeing her red eyes immediately sobers me, at least a little bit.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. Her eyes flit behind me to the bartender and she licks her lips.

"Can I talk to you outside?" she says, her voice tentative.

I open my arms to the bar, "Whatever you have to say to me, you can say to everybody in this bar."

"Please Mason," she says, her voice begging me.

I sigh and pull out my wallet, throwing my money down on the bar before following Emma outside. "Are you shit faced drunk right now?" she asks.

"What? No."

"Okay good. I just want to make sure you remember this in the morning," she says.

"Emma what is this about? I thought we ended things on the same terms," I say. I really didn't want to revisit this. It's like reopening the scars on my wrists.

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