Chapter 27

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Author's Note: I recreated the covers of these books... What do you think? I think they are a little snazzier and cleaner than the old ones. Idk let me know in the comments. Thank you for being patient with me while I struggled through my first few weeks of school and no posting. I certainly had fun writing the last chapter because the most dramatic chapters are so exciting! So just as a little reminder the last thing that happened was the Kyle and Emma kiss <3 honestly I kind of shipped them ever since I reintroduced Kyle into the story. No promises as to what will happen next. Love you all.

xoxo, Rosie

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"Things happen. Horrible things happen. And sometimes they trip us up to the point where we think that all hope is lost. But we have to keep going. Because it can be hard, but we are meant to take away something from that experience, not let it take away part of us. And although I know it might not look like it from where we're standing, but those horrible things are stepping stones, not brick walls."

- Emma (Chapter 26- Book 1)

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All of Me

Emma's POV

I think I've done something very wrong. So very, very wrong. "So what now?" Kyle asks me as we drive.

"Now... now you take me home," I whisper, twisting a strand of hair around my finger.

"Emma, don't you think we should talk about what just happ-"

"No! No I can't think about this right now. My entire life is on the brink of falling apart right now and I'm only doing more to screw it all up. I'm sorry Kyle. I'm sorry I dragged you into my mess." I can feel his eyes on me, but I can't meet them. Not after how I'm treating him. No one deserves to be used and then thrown away.

Kyle reaches over the console and puts his hand on top of mine. "Is this because you live with Mason now?"

"It's about everything," I say quietly, shaking my head. "Alexander, Mason, my feelings for you and Mason both. I'm in love with him, Kyle. No matter what happens, you've always known it was true right?" Kyle lets go of my hand and nods.

"Yes, I was the first one to know."

"So please. Just let me figure this out. Just... let me think. I'm not telling you to wait for me to decide what to do, just please don't rush me."

"I wouldn't ever," Kyle mutters and I nod because I believe him. He pulls up in front of Mason's and my building and I open the door, without his help this time and climb out.

A second later I turn back and tap on the window. He rolls it down and I poke my head inside. "I'm really sorry." He nods and mouths, "Me too" like he can't get the words out. I wave at him and then head into the building.

When I unlock the door I hear cartoons playing on the TV and see Mason curled up and asleep on the couch with a pizza box left on the kitchen counter. I sit down next to him on the couch and shake his shoulder. He sits up with a start and rubs his eyes. "Emma? Where were you? I tried calling you a few times, but you never answered. I was starting to get a little worried."

"I was... out with a friend," I say, my voice shaking.

"Oh. Okay. What's her name?"

"Why?" I ask, getting defensive. "Who was your friend?"

"What're you talking about?" Mason asks, his eyebrows knitting together the way they do when he's confused or upset.

"The girl, the pretty brunette you had dinner with tonight. Who was she?" I demand. I can feel Kyle's lips on mine and I start to feel nauseous, but I push it away. For all I know Mason could have hooked up with this girl and there's nothing to feel guilty about. Nothing at all, but good old fashioned pay back.

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