Chapter 29

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Author's Note: Hello lovelies! Back again with a new chapter. Enjoy!

xoxo, Rosie

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Surprise Surprise

Mason's POV

Age: 13

"The fuck are you doing in my liquor cabinet?"

"I didn't dad. I swear." I cowered by my bed frame as he advanced towards me.

"The door was open when I came home, I know you've been drinking stupid piece of shit."

"No, dad, you just left it open before you went to work. I promise I never touched nothing."

"Liar!" He threw my old piggy bank at me and I ducked. It hit the wall and shattered, glass littering the floor. 

"Dad stop," I begged as he grabbed pushed my dresser over, clothes spilling out of the drawers. He threw dirty dishes I was supposed to take downstairs to wash on the floor and I winced, pulling my feet up onto the bed and cradling my knees. "Please, just stop."

Age: 20

Current Day 

My heart is pounding. I move my thumb to the Call End button when he says, "Don't hang up."

"Why are you calling me?"

"Because I missed you, my boy. Can't a father miss his son after 2 and a half years?" 

"Not you, you're no dad to me."

He laughs in his disturbingly breathy way and then coughs, "So harsh. Alright I'll tell you. The real reason I'm calling is to tell you not to throw a welcome home party."

"Why would I do that? You still have-"

"Nuh uh, I'm getting out early. For good behavior. So you'll be seeing me very, very soon." My fingers tighten on the phone.

"I have a restraining order." If he comes back around I don't know what I'll do. I don't have Emma to hold me together any longer. She isn't there to sooth my bad dreams or tell me it'll all get better. It's just me vs. the monster who raised me. 

He ignores my earlier statement, "Actually I take that back, I think I deserve to get a welcome home party after the shit you put me through, throwing me in jail like this. I'd like a cake. You can bring Emma and you and I can find out if her legs open as easily as you're mother-"

"You shut the fuck up!" I shout, feeling dizzy. "Shut the fuck up. You are not allowed to call here any more and if I do see you, I will call the police and you will go back to jail for violating the rules of the restraining order. Do I make myself clear?"

"We'll see Mase. We'll see." He hangs up and I take the phone away from my ear. My body slumps back on the couch and I try to think clearly, but all I see is red.

Emma's POV

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside my open window. I sit up and rub my eyes groggily. Through my window I can see the campus and I sigh. As soon I stand up I hear the door bell ring. I don't know anybody here yet, so there's nobody who should be coming to my apartment. I pull on jeans and a t-shirt before going to the front door and pulling it open. There's a boy without his shirt on, and damp hair standing outside. I frown at him, "Yes?" 

"Hey, sorry to disturb you, but I think you're mail got delivered to me." He holds out some junk mail to me and I take it.

"Sorry about that. Thanks." The boy nods and smiles at me. 

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