Chapter 21

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Author's Note: So yeah I reuploaded the last chapter as y'all know, hope that's okay. Also you might notice notifications from my old book. I'm going to be editing and adding/deleting things to make it the best it can be before I complete it. So yeah... The beginning of this chapter might have you a bit confused, but just stick with me. Love you


Rosie (haven't done that in a while eh?)

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There are only two things that control us-- our fear and our love

-Jenico Silvers

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Lover's Embrace

Andrea's POV

My boyfriend Mike and I are walking around campus. He's mad today, well he's always mad. It's just who he is, how he functions. I'm an optimist, he's a pessimist. I love him so much though. I love him to the point of breaking. "Mikey, come on. Just try and enjoy our day off," I say, leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Fuck this. Are we just going to ignore the fact that you are blatantly flirting with your fucking Chem-Phys teacher?" he growls in a low voice.

"I don't know what-"

"Don't pull this bullshit with me," Mike says, rolling his eyes.

"Your such an ass, Mike. If you'd only just let me explain myself, but no! I think we should just talk this over at home when you've calmed the fuck down," I snap and march away from him. That's when I see them. A boy a and a girl, both beautiful in their own way. Their practically opposites of Mike and I, the girl with blonde hair like Mikes, the guy with brown hair like mine. Their leaning against a tree in the middle of campus laughing and eating takeaway Chinese food with plastic forks.

The boy feeds her an egg roll and she laughs and wipes the corners of her mouth. Their perfect together. The kind of couple that deserve a TV show or should be in an ad in a magazine. I can picture the headline now "Want the perfect relationship! 52 reasons why you will never get it Spencer!" Nothing could ever go wrong in these two's lives. Probably were childhood sweethearts with rich families that never forgot their birthdays or got in fights. I envy them, I hate them, I want to be them.

I turn away and wipe away my tears. Mike and I could never be like them.

Mason's POV

When I return to my apartment, I'm exhausted. Emma and I decided to spend the night apart, I don't think she's quite ready to sleep in the bed with someone after what happened, even if it's me. And that's fine with me. I close my door behind me and click the dead bolt into place. My apartment is trashed, the bottle Naomi broke this morning is still shattered on the floor, perfectly good liquor seeping into the floorboards, clothes, shoes, artwork, empty food cartons, are all laying around making a mess of the place.

I grab a dust pan, sweeping the glass up and start straightening up. My body aches with the pain of forcing myself not to cut. But I can't stop myself from thinking about it. A cool blade between my fingers, the sting as it slices my skin. The second wait before the bloods drips down my arm. The satisfaction of the hurt. It's sick and glorious and an addiction that is all mine.

I told Emma I wouldn't kill myself or try, but even she can't stop me from this. Not when I'm this far gone. I've been here before, before we ever went to Theodore Strauss. I cut myself every day before I went to school and every night before I went to bed, more times if my dad got more physical that day. It's like paper before it's been written on, it was meant to feel the touch of a pencil, scratching marks on its surface, except my body bleeds red blood and says more than words ever could. I hang up a fallen picture and walk to my kitchen. I open the cabinet I never had use for before and find the lone bottle of pills labeled Zoloft. I take it in my hand, twist the cap and let all the little blue pills spill into my hand.

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