Chapter Five

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Author's Note: HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! (A little late ik) This year I am thankful to all of you, my readers. I have reached 24 followers and as you know to thank you guys I always follow back and... What the F?! 13.2 K reads on My Brother's Friend?!?!?! You guys are amazing 😘 thank you so flipping much it means so much that you guys like these stories. We've also made it to 255 reads on here. How cool is that?!? So yeah... I'm gushing, but thank you.

Shit is about to go down (Maybe not this chapter, but very soon mark my words) Sorry that recently the story hasn't been as interesting (also for the mega delay of this chapter), but I promise stuff if about to happen and I'm pretty dang excited, so I hope y'all are too! Anyway love you guys and enjoy!
xoxo, Rosie

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. . .


If your heart was full

of Love

Would you give it up?

- Not About Angels by Birdy


Will you still love me when I'm no longer

Young and Beautiful?

- Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey

. . .

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Nobody Else

Mason's POV

One year ago

I roll over in bed and look up at the ceiling. My language textbook lies open next to me where I must have fallen asleep reading it. Groaning, I sit up and rub my eyes with the heels of my hands. 317 days since I left home. Not that I'm keeping track or anything.

Throwing on some jeans and a shirt I look out the window at the gloomy gray sky. The weather in Evanston is just as temperamental as it is in New York.

When I go outside I immediately feel the breeze from the lake. It ruffles my hair and pulls at my shirt, sending goosebumps up my arms. If Emma were here she would let her hair go wild and run to the edge of the lake, dancing on the edge, only her toes submerged in the icy cold. I shake my head, trying to rid her from my mind and head into the downtown. Evanston is thriving and alive. Everyone is heading where I'm heading, the Starbucks centered in the middle of town.

When I get there I order a small coffee and sit down with my laptop. Here's what I like to do most my work. There's something nice about the hustle and bustle everybody going about their own days and worry about their own problems. My fingers move nimbly across the keyboard working quickly so that I can turn in my assignment before it's due tomorrow. The girl in my class with red hair and silver eyes comes and sits down beside me.She's pretty with a slender face and the slim figure. I never took much notice of her before. She sits a few seats away from me next to another boy who seems annoying. She doesn't talk much, never raises her hand in class. Not like I do much either.

"Hi," she says nervously licking her bottom lip. I can't help but notice the way her foot bobs against the base of my stool.

"Hi..." I say hesitantly.

"You're in Professor Hanson's class right? Mason?"

"Yeah... sorry I'm blanking on your name," I say even though it's no blank of the mind. I've just never cared to find out what her name was.

"It's Ashley," she says with the same white toothed smile.

"Nice to meet you Ashley," I say, letting my eyes wander back to my laptop screen.

"Buy me a coffee?" she asks, her voice wavering between shy and brave. I look up at her, noticing she's pulled the neckline of her deep cut shirt down lower to reveal the tiny amount of cleavage she has.

I look her over, trying to understand what this girl might see in me. "Sure why not," I say for purely experimental reasons. She grins and I stand up making my way to the counter again. I order her a small coffee too and then bring it over to where she holds our table, tapping her fingers in a nervous ticking pattern.

"I didn't know what you take in it," I say apologetically, setting it down in front of her.

"Thank you," she says and takes a packet of artificial sweetener and pours it in her coffee with a good helping of 2% milk. I feel sick as I compare her coffee habits with Emma's. Emma despised artificial sweetener or sugar in her coffee. Although in our last few months together she had become quit the tea fanatic.

My mind spirals through thoughts and images of Emma. My fingers itch for my phone, my razors, the keys on my keyboard. And most of all they itch for the touch of Emma's skin, her hair, her lips, anything and everything, just her.

"So what do you think your thesis-"

"I'm sorry," I say interrupting whatever she was saying because it completely escaped me.

"For what?" Ashley asks smiling.

I swallow, "I uh... I just think your here for a reason I can't help you with. You see... I have a girlfriend." Lies. I had a girlfriend, but I lost her.

Ashley looks stunned and hurt. "Oh right. Of course you do. Well I'm just going to go. Thank you for the coffee."

"Any time," I lie again. She scurries out the door and I slump against my computer.

- - -

Emma's POV


"You ready to go?" Alex asks, intertwining his fingers with mine.

"Yeah," I say, glancing around quickly to look for Mason. He is no where to be seen and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks, observing me with an odd expression.

I nod and lie, "Absolutely fine." Smile Emma. "Why do you ask?"

He shrugs, "You just looked worried. And I don't like it when your worried." He pulls me into his arms and kisses the top of my head.

"Well I'm alright. We should get to class." Alex nods and together we walk to our next class together.

After English Lit. I have yoga and head to class with my gym bag. "You owe me 15 minutes," I hear and turn around to see Mason standing with his arms crossed and leaning against one of the building pillars.

"Not now Mason, I have class."


I shake my head. I have plans with Alexander. "Come on Em. You can't avoid me forever. I've missed you." My mind whirls at his use of my old nickname.

"I'm not avoiding you. You have made that seemingly impossible. Now I need to get to class. We'll talk later." Mason edges closer and I stare into his green eyes. He takes another step towards me and I take one back.


"Goodbye Mason." I dart around him, running to class as I feel tears running down my cheeks.

- - -

I wake up the next morning and snuggle deep under my covers tempted to never get out of bed. Rolling over on my side I turn towards the wall. I've never been so confused in my life, but I suppose I've always known that's what Mason does to me. I never want to see him again, but I want to. I want to be with Alex, but I want to hear Mason out.

You'll get hurt. You'll cry. You seriously want to be friends with the boy who single handedly ripped your heart in two? I ask myself.

No. Yes? I sit up, pushing my hair out of my face. I will see Mason again today. And maybe, just maybe, I'll hear what he has to say.

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