Chapter 23

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Author's Note: Hey there lovelies. I am so happy that all of y'all are happy about my frequent updating recently. I wasn't sure if you guys were angry at me for my earlier delay or if it was annoying you with all of my new chapters. I know that not the MOST stuff has happened recently I.E. no one has died/attempted to die and no one is pregnant, but I promise (pinky swear) I have big things in store for you. I just want to thank you all for the millionth time. I went through my spam emails today and found all these lovely messages I never got the chance to respond to and I just felt so touched. You are all my inspiration. Special shout out to @NATALIEALTHEA and @suray01 for your lovely messages to me. They made my day and talking to you guys made me feel so special <3 there are so many more of you, but shout outs for later dates don't even worry. 

xoxo, Rosie

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. . .

If we had hinges

on our heads

there would be no sin

because we could take the bad stuff out

and keep the good stuff in

- Hinges, by Shel Silverstein

. . .

- - 

Moving Day

(Several weeks later)

Emma's POV

Mason and I have moved in together. Well basically. Practically everything I own is now in hectic piles around his apartment. He's trying to move my boxes and stuff to their separate rooms while I grab my last few knick knacks from my dorm. "Are you sure about this?" Naomi says, hovering in my doorway. 

I smile at her, "I'll be fine. I know that I'll be fine."

She nods, but she looks slightly unconvinced. "I just don't want you to jump into anything too fast."

"Naomi... Mason and I started dating when I was 16. I've been in love with him since I was- pssh- ten maybe? This is anything, but rushed." 

"Well alright then. If you need me for anything, a place to stay, or just a friend... you know where to find me." I smile and hold out my arms for a hug. I can still see her as the unfriendly girl who didn't want to be roomies with a cliché English major. 

"I'm going to miss not having you around all the time."

"I'm going to miss you too dork," she says, and hands me my pillow, atop the rest of my stuff. "Now go be all adult and move in with your super sexy boyfriend."

"Hey, hands off," I say as she pushes me out the door laughing. "BYE!" I walk the long way, around the campus and several streets further just to avoid the alley way where I was held down by those frat boys. I know that I will get to Mason's apartment at some point, it is worth it to not have to relive those awful memories. I pass the bar where I found him slobbering drunk before and then step inside of my new building. I climb the stairs and glance at the door of the boy I begged to tell me when Mason returned home from Geneva. I knock on Mason's- my new door and it immediately swings open. 

"Welcome home honey!" Mason coos like we're an actual, normal, cute couple. I laugh and drop my stuff on the floor and jump up to wrap my legs around his waist. He spins me around and kisses me. "I can't believe we really did this."

"You aren't regretting it are you?" I ask, worried and hopping down. I notice happily that he was able to clear everything to the sides of the rooms so my stuff doesn't take up too much space. 

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