Chapter Nine

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Author's Note: Omigod major freak out time I haven't done one of these in a while! Thank you, thank you, thank you for over 600 reads on this book and we have just reached 14.7 K reads on my Brother's Friend! How amazing is that?! Thank you so much it really means a ton to me. I hope you still like the book as much as I do!

I started writing another story called Womanizer. It is a One Direction fan fiction that I think y'all would like, so if you'd like you should go check that out.
So yeah that's actually all I had to say, so just enjoy the new chapter!

xoxo, Rosie

P.S. sorry for the long awaited update I've been rather busy lately, but don't worry the book will go on and this chapter may get a little intense... or a lot.

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. . .


Can you

Hear the silence

Can you

See the dark

Can you

Fix the broken

Can you

Feel my heart?


I try not to miss you,

But in the end

I still do

- Unknown

. . .

- -


Emma's POV

I try to study in the library, but I can't. My head is spinning and won't let me focus on the words dancing on the page before me.

Slut. Fat.

Bitch. Liar.

Cheater. Ugly.

I squint at the horrible words and they disappear replaced with literary devices and other boring stuff.

"From the minute I saw you both together I knew it would happen. The way he looked at you like he would give you the moon if you asked for it and you looked at him like he was a god from heaven. It's not like you two breaking up could ever be the end of a love like that."

I put my head down on the desk, rubbing my temples. I don't know what to do anymore. My life was so straight forward without Mason. Alexander and I were perfect together. We never fought like I did with Mason. He was smart and well adjusted and safe. Why can't I be happy with that?

"Hey you look like hell," I hear behind me. I turn around seeing Naomi standing with her bag hanging off her shoulder.

"Thanks," I say, forcing a laugh.

She slips into the chair beside me. "I didn't mean that... honestly. I just meant you look like you need a little fun."

"Fun like what?" I ask. She nods, her red painted lips turning up in a smile.

"Yeah like a party."

"A party..." I repeat, testing the word and concept out on my tongue. "I don't know. I have studying and I'm-"

"Come on Emma! When's the last time you just let loose. It's only Saturday, you can study tomorrow. For now you should come with me, we'll get you all dolled up and then we'll go dancing and drinking. You'd be surprised how beneficial it is."

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