Chapter 19

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Author's Note: ugh I missed writing so glad to be back. Holy schnitzel though guys! So many new reads and readers. I love you all and your private messages to me and comments make my day. Keep it up, keep strong. ❤️

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. . .

It's an exploration

she's made out of outer space

And her lips

are the galaxy's edge

And her kiss

the color of a constellation

falling into place

. . .

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Lonely Road

Emma's POV

It's Tuesday and I'm alone. It's Wednesday and I'm alone. It's Thursday and I'm alone. Not because I choose to be. I can't bring myself to be anything other than alone because I feel sick and sad. My body hurts, stings with the ache of memories. I can feel their bodies pushing me down, my back grinding against the brick and mortar, their hands touching me in places I'd only ever wanted to be touched by one person. I am afraid.

I have not seen Mason. I won't let Naomi in my room. I am just here, by myself, rubbing my stomach like I once did when I was pregnant. I know I can't be now, I took precautions when I went to the doctors office, but even the thought of it has thrown me into the past.

There's a knock at my door. "Go away Naomi," I say, covering my head with a pillow.

"There's some people here to see you. They say you just met a couple days ago?"

I sit up. The only people I've seen from a couple days ago is the group that found me. "Okay," I say. I stand up and run my hands quickly through my hair before stepping out the door.

"You came out," Naomi says, her eyes widening. I peer past her at the one of the boys and one of the girls who found me. They wave awkwardly.

"Hi..." I say quietly. It's the African American boy who helped me to the ambulance and the girl who got me dressed, or tried to by buttoning me back up and fixing my shirt.

"How are you doing?" the boy asks. I shrug. He gives me a sympathetic smile and then the girl elbows him and he jumps. "Oh right I almost forgot. We brought these for you." He hands me a bouquet of sweet smelling flowers.

"Thank you," I whisper, taking them from him.

"I'm Andrea by the way," the girl says. "And this is Leo. We looked up your dorm with the Dean of Admissions. We wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'm- I'm okay," I say, wrapping my arms around my thin waist. I realize I might have dropped a few pounds from stress nausea. I haven't eaten in days. "Thanks for... this," I mutter.

"Did you know those guys?" Leo asks.

I shake my head and then shrug, "They once tried something like that at a frat party, but I got away that time." Leo bites his lip and then peers behind me. I turn around and see Naomi putting on her coat. "Where are you going?"

"There's just something I need to do," she says, her lips pursed. I nod slowly and she marches out of the door.

"Can we take you out for coffee?" Andrea asks.

"Oh... I don't know," I say. "It's a really kind offer, but I'm not sure..."

"That's fine. Hey we can leave you our numbers. If you ever want to hang out or talk, we'd love to get together," she says, smiling kindly.

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