Chapter Seven

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Author's Note: Hello again everybody! Hope you liked the last chapter and sorry that it was soooo delayed but to make up for it I am posting again today. So yeah I don't really have much to say today, but I love you all and I hope you enjoy the chapter!

xoxo, Rosie

P.S. Emma and Mason finding their way back together slowly is gonna be an interesting process... don't rush me.

P. S. S. Emma's first class is with Alexander, but Mason's first class is the equivalent to her second class. I just wanted to clear that up in case it wasn't clear...

P. S. S. S. Sorry for SOOO many additions, but I have also created an art instagram. it is called _journalart_ if you are interested in following me on there I would love to follow you back. Just comment that you've read one of my stories! Kk that's ACTUALLY all I have to say.

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I just want to lay next to you

And listen to the beat of your heart

I just wanna close my eyes

And fall asleep in your arms

I just wanna feel you

And forget the world

- Unknown


The first time you fall in love

It changes you forever

And no matter how hard you try,

That feeling never goes away

- Nicholas Sparks

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Uh Oh

Mason's POV

I lie in bed, staring at the pictures of our 2 1/2 year old child. Beautiful and happy. With a different family. In my mind I conjure up my own image of Emma's dream of our happy little family. How perfect it would be. Smiling and laughing, dancing and kissing. Wren. I want it so bad it hurts.

Rolling over I look at my clock. 7:00. It's been three days since Emma invited me into her apartment and since then nothing much has occurred between us.

Groaning, I rub my face. I should probably get up and get ready for class. Dragging myself from bed I throw on jeans and a t-shirt, run my hands through my hair and pull on my shoes. Satisfied I slip on a hoodie and head out of my apartment.

Back in high school Daniel and Emma would pick me up every morning and we would all drive together. The memory of laughing with them every morning is fading quickly. Over 2 years is a lot of years really.

I walk to the college campus, my sneakers splashing in puddles from last nights rain. When I get to my first class I see Emma walking in ahead of me. She's dressed in a white dress, her hair in a ponytail that still reaches down her back. She doesn't notice me and continues to our usual seats.

When I sit down next to her she offers me a small smile and it surprises me. Is she just in a good mood or... something more? "Hey."

"Hey," I say, running a self conscious hand through my hair. After a minute silence she glances around the still filling room.

"Do you mind watching my stuff? I'll be back in a second."

"No, it's fine." She nods and gives me another smile that makes my heart pound. I move myself into her desk, slip off my jacket, and riffle through the stack of books she has. Her English textbook, a few notebooks, Psychology, a Jane Austen novel, and A Girl's Guide to Study Techniques. I smile at the familiarity of Emma.

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