Chapter Thrity

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Author's Note: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh the last chapter got  me like :O I know that I wrote it, but honestly it's very possible to hate your own characters. I hate his father, I hate him so much. People like that are truly the scum of the earth. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter anyhow. I love you all. Like can I address the fact that this book has over 7.5 K reads. Like that is amazing and I owe it all to you guys who stuck with me after book 1. And that book? 46.7 K reads. That is so amazing I don't even know what to say. I am amazed and so honored. Thank you. Enjoy this new chapter <3

xoxo, Rosie

p.s. to anybody who remembers. I made the mistake of saying "chapter thrity" in book one instead of thirty, so I decided to make this a trend. So yeah... I'm a dork. Love you <3

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I Love You's Given

Emma's POV

"We meet again," Charlie says, when we run into each other, me returning from class and him going out.

"Yes, hi," I say curtly. 

"Get a drink with me," he says. I look him up and down, gray band t-shirt and ripped jeans, his shoes are beat up, but probably expensive.

"I'm not 21," I respond. He smiles.

"Me neither, but that doesn't stop most people."

"Maybe it should." I'm really thinking about my homework and about Mason, I can't keep up a conversation with this guy for much longer. 

Charlie laughs, "Ain't that the truth. Fine come get coffee with me. You seem like a coffee drinker."

"I can't. I'm really busy tonight. Some other time though, maybe." By which I mean never. There's nothing here. He's no Mason. "Sorry," I add. Charlie shrugs and gives me a smile before continuing out the door. I feel a little bad, but not much. A guy like that could probably get any girl he liked.

I walk up the stairs to my apartment and unlock the door. As a force of habit, as soon as I sit down on my bed, I check for any missed messages, as if Mason might have suddenly changed his mind and decided we should be together no matter what. There's nothing there, as usual. So I get started on my homework.

Mason's POV

I get off the plane and walk through the terminal. I don't know what I'm doing here. All I know is that I have to look after my mother. Smokers are lined up in a row, pressing their backs against the walls to give space to the no nonsense travelers, suitcases packed with places to be. I hail a taxi and climb inside, giving the driver my mother's address. She's living with her fiancee, Bryan, here in the sweltering heat of Florida. 

I watch palm trees and stucco houses pass by until finally the driver pulls up in front of their house. "Thank you," I say, handing him my credit card. He swipes it and then hands it back to me. I climb out, and look down the walkway. It's a quaint little house, just like the place my mother would live. I walk to the front door and ring the door bell. I hear the sound of a dog barking and then it swing open. A tall man who I suspect is Bryan, stands in the doorway. 

"You're- you're Mason, aren't you?" he asks in surprise. I nod and his eyes widen. "Honey, look who's here."

I hear footsteps and then my mom appears. "Mason! What're you doing here?" she asks as she pulls me into a hug. She's wearing a light blue dress, her hair drawn up and out of her face, highlighting the happiness that I never saw before when we still lived with my father. 

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