Chapter Two

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Author's Note: Hello again! Thank you so much for 45 reads. It means a lot that y'all are actually following along on the story. I'd also like to mention that means we (the Rosie fam) have 9,800 reads in total! How crazy is that?! Hope you are all having a lovely fall day. I don't have much to say today. Just hope you guys enjoy the story and the new chapter!

xoxo, Rosie

P.S. the picture attached is of AnnaSophia Robb who if you remember is who I said Emma would look like.

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. . .


Happy and lost

Are kind of the same thing

- Unknown


I promise you this,

No matter who

Enters your life,

I will love you more

Than any of them

- e.b.

. . .

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Mason's POV

"She's happy you know? She's over you."

I nod, "Maybe. But I can't give up without trying."

"Maybe you should."

"Lucy... you know me." We're sitting in Emma's kitchen. This place is so familiar to me. I've probably spent more time here than in my own kitchen. Lucy sits across the table from me, arms crossed over her chest in a defiant gesture.

"Do I?" she asks, putting her hands on her hips. "Because the Mason I knew wouldn't leave the girl he loved, my daughter, pregnant and depressed."

"I... I get that. I'm trying to make up for it. For what I did."

She looks at me, her eyes hard. Lucy was always sweet to me, always treated me kindly, but now she's suspicious. How can I make her trust me?

"You'll have to break them up," she says all of the sudden, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I ask in surprise.

Lucy sighs. "She got a dick boyfriend at her college. He's not good for her, but she's convinced he is. You'll have to break them up."

Part of me feels disappointed, betrayed, sad, angry. But we're broken up. And Lucy doesn't like him. "Then I'll need a plan," I inform her. She nods in agreement.

Emma's POV

First Class

I curl my hair and let it drop over my shoulders. Then I pull at the bottom of my skirt and click my feet in my heels.

Maybe I'm too dressed up, I worry, but push it out of mind. I grab my bag and hurry out of my bedroom.

Out in the tiny common room I send a worried glance at Naomi's room, dark under the door crack. Deciding against checking if she's up I make my way out the door and into the hall of dorm building B also known as Whiffen House. Don't ask why because it's a mystery to me.

On the lawn there are people making out, talking, reading. I can feel the silly smile on my face as I click down the sidewalk towards my first lecture hall. I'm in college, finally and blissfully away from everything that happened in my high school years.

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