Chapter Three

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Back again. (With a long author's note)

Omigod thank you so much for 10K reads on My Brother's Friend. Words can not describe how surprised, grateful, and touched I am. So again thank you all for your wonderful support.

Attached is a picture of Paul Wesley (aka Stefan from the vampire diaries. If you haven't watched it DO). I know I said I imagined Mason as Dave Franco, but me and my friend agreed we didn't actually think of him that way anymore. So I changed it! Go Mason! Anyway this chapter should have more to do with Mason too because Emma what are you doing with that boy Alexander?! Just no.

Anyway I hope you all enjoy the chapter!



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The two hardest things to say in life are "hello" for the first time and "goodbye" for the last.


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We Meet Again

Mason's POV

I press my fingers to the cold window sill. It's my first day of classes, my first chance to take back everything I did.

Pulling out my phone I type, Send it now. ☺️ please. And then press send.

Emma's POV

I roll over in the warmth of my bed. Alexander and I have been going out for over two months now. Things have been nice. Normal. Comfortable.

He wants to have sex though. I can feel it. But I know what sex can do to a person, to a couple, and I'd like to wait a little longer. My phone buzzes from my bedside table and I sleepily grab it, click on iMessage.

Mum: Guess who's in town?! 😉 Meet me in the campus coffee shop @ 8. Love you!

Excitedly I type back,

Me: your here! no way! I'll see you at 8

Then I jump out of bed and pull on a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a white tunic top. Dragging on my riding boots I apply a tiny bit of makeup and grab my bag and wallet. Ready for my day at last I check the time: 7:50. Perfect. I leave my room, closing the door behind me and go out into the common room.

Naomi is sitting on the small sofa, legs tucked beneath her as she sips coffee and watches something on her phone. "Hey," I say.


Recently this has been happening. Sometimes we come out of our rooms. Sometimes we greet each other. Sometimes when I get home we watch tv together and share the contents of our mini fridge. It's kinda nice.

I leave without further interaction, heading for the coffee shop. There's only the one besides the Starbucks tucked beside the dining hall. But the coffee shop is warmer, nicer, and happens to be in close proximity to most of my classes.

When I get there I step inside, greeted by the jingling of the door bell. "Morning Emma," the boy behind the counter says, smiling. His name is Will. He's a senior. He makes killer coffee.

"Morning," I say, sidling up before the counter. "Dark roast?"

"As always," he says grinning and making his way to the machine. I wait as he pours me a cup.

"How much?" I tease, reaching into my purse. I take out $2.30 and hand it over to him.

"Pleasure doing business with you," he says with a wink, handing over the coffee cup. I smile and take my usual seat by the window, taking small sips as I wait for my mom to come.

My phone buzzes once more.

Mum: I'm here.

I look up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. And my heart drops, beating rapidly in the pit of my stomach.


Mason's POV

She looks so beautiful. Her same blue eyes stare at me. Her blonde hair has grown out even more, falling in waves far down her back.

Emma grabs the table as if in an attempt to steady herself, her knuckles turning white. I'm overwhelmed with feelings, thoughts spinning around my head. I open my mouth to speak, but she beats me too it.

"Is it really you?" she asks, quiet like its a secret.

I nod, raising my hand in the air. "Hi."

I feel more overwhelmed than I expected I would. It's finally happening. I'm finally seeing her. What do I say first?

She marches forward, her hand connecting with my cheek in a painful smack. I flinch away. No one has hit me since my father...

Emma doesn't care. She holds out her phone. "What are you doing here? My mom is in on this?" she demands. I squint at the messages, nodding again. She lets out a puff of angry breath.

"I... I wanted to say sorry," I say softly, reaching out for her. She steps back, fear and sadness obvious on her face. It makes me feel sick to my stomach.

Oh Emma what have I done to you?

"Could have done that a year ago Mason. It's too late now. So what are you doing here?"

I lick my parched lips. Honesty, be honest Mason, I remind myself. "I came to get you back."

Emma snorts and turns around, crossing her arms before turning back to me in frustration. "God Mason! It's over! I'm over you. I have a boyfriend now and it's going good."

"Right," I say, rolling my eyes. Anger bubbles up inside of me, but I try and push it down. Now is not the time for my temper to get involved. "The dick."

"Oh grow up," she snaps. I smile at the familiarity of this bickering and she notices, glaring at me. "Go home."

"I am home," I say, opening my arms to the small coffee house. "I attend UC now."

"You've gone too far," she growls, her hands balling into fists.

"Only because I love you," I coo and she flinches. "Emma..." I say, my voice softening, but she holds up her hand again, shaking her head.

"I have classes. I have to go."

"Wait!" I say as she runs out the door, the bell jingling behind her. The barista behind the counter gives me an odd look. "What are you looking at?" I snap.

"I don't know who you are, but you better not be messing with Emma. Or else you and I? We're gonna have a problem." I just snort, waving away this guy's open ended threat. In the back of my mind I size this guy, trying to decide who he might be to her, but it's hopeless and I instead just walk out onto campus.

Emma's POV

My head is spinning, my heart pounding. "Emma!" I hear and spin around and right into Alexander's arms. "Whoa there," he says laughing.

"Sorry," I say, taking deep breaths. "You just startled me."

He smiles, "My apologies ma'am." Then he holds out his hand to me. "Shall we?" he asks, gesturing towards our building.

Trying to fake calm I nod, forcing a smile. "We shall."

A/N sorry this took so freaking long! school has been a bitch! Anyway chapter three complete and with it is further drama to come. Yay! haha so thank you again for reading and for over 80 reads on this! Ya'll are great and I will see ya next chapter! byeeee

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