Chapter Four

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Author's Note: Thank you guys so much for a hundred reads on this story! It really means so much! So thanks! And I hope ya'll are enjoying it. Here's the new chapter I'm trying to write it quicker now to make up for the delay I've been having between chapters recently. So yeah.... love you!

xoxo, Rosie

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. . .


Can we start over?

Can we be strangers again?

Let me introduce myself

We can laugh and talk

And relearn what we already knew

And come up with new inside jokes

And create new memories

And give each other

A second chance

- e. l.


You can't start

The next chapter

of your life

If you keep

Re-reading the last one

- Unknown

. . .

- -

15 Minutes

Emma's POV

I sit down in my second class of the day and pull out my notebook and multicolored pens. Someone sits down in the desk beside me, I'm aware of it, but I don't pay any attention. Instead I pull out the book I've been reading lately, Gone Girl. It's hauntingly dark, but really amazing.

Since I got here early I turn page after page, enticed by the thriller. "You must be new here," I hear.

I look up and see my professor standing before me. I open my month when I hear a familiar voice say, "Yes sir. But don't worry, I catch on fast."

"Confidence, I like that." I turn my head slowly to look at Mason, sitting beside me, his textbook in his lap, a smile on his face. I stare at him.

Yesterday he must have been wearing long sleeves because now he is wearing a black t-shirt that shows off several tattoos. I can't take my eyes off them, inked into his skin. My stomach flips and I bring my eyes to his face, unchanged in its beauty.

"And do you know Ms. Reynolds?" the professor asks, gesturing to me with a smile.

"Oh yes. Emma and I go way back." I open my mouth again, trying to speak but the words don't come out. I'm shocked. Words have escaped me.

"Well I had better get down there. Welcome to my class."

Mason looks at me. "Thank you."

"What are you doing here?" I whisper furiously as soon as the professor is gone. My fingers clench unconsciously to the sides of my desk.

Mason smiles at me kindly, "I thought I told you yesterday."

"I thought I told you to go home," I snap. But I can't help, but feel my heart pounding, my palms getting sweaty. I'm scared, I'm running on a high. I'm seeing the love of my life for the first time. "I don't want you here."

"But I'm here. I am undoubtedly and unashamedly here. And I'm not going to go. I want you Emma!" he practically shouts. I throw myself across our desks, clamping my hands over his mouth. His breath is hot and damp against my palms.

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