Chapter 31

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He made broken look beautiful

and strong look invincible

He walked with the Universe

on his shoulders

And made it look like

A pair of wings

- Ariana

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I Love You's Received

Mason's POV

There's something about not dying that just gives your body action. When Bryan jumped forward, turning that gun on my father and shooting him in the chest, I had my entire life laid out in front of me, for the first time ever. So many chances to die and so many times that I've lived. That's a sign right?

Bryan called the police while he put pressure on my mom's bullet wound. It didn't hit anything vital, so there's a good chance she'll make a full recovery.

The ambulance came fast, packing us all in an emergency vehicle together. They asked lots of questions and shone lights in my eyes. They kept on telling me things that I couldn't hear because I just kept on thinking about how it all happened so incredibly fast. I'm sitting in the hospital and I'm thinking about death. Because maybe that's what my dad wanted. Maybe it's what he's wanted all along. They brought him into the hospital too, his hands handcuffed to his bed. They don't think he'll make it.

But back to that future.

See, the one thing I really saw, that future laid out for me, was Emma's face. She's all that I need, I'm sure of it. My final thoughts would have been her and when one day I do die, my final thoughts will be of her. Of her smooth skin. Of those ocean blue eyes framed by eyelashes so long they got tangled together at night. Of the two of us dancing together like two pieces of the universe coming together again. Surely I would think of her. I pull my phone out of my pocket. I'm sitting in the waiting room with a blanket around me. They think I'm suffering from shock, but none of this was really a shock to me.

I click on her contact and the phone rings. When it reaches voicemail I'm not offended or anything. Even on the East coast it's the middle of the night, there's no reason for her phone to be on right now. So I make my message quick.

"Emma, I need you. My dad was out of jail. He- he shot my mother, he's been shot. He's going back to jail and all I can think about is you. All I need... is you. So please, please just come to Florida. I know it's a lot to ask, but I love you. I've always loved you. And we need to be together. It's always been in the cards. So please... just come back to me." I hang up and settle back in one of the hard plastic chairs, letting my eyes close.

Emma's POV

I wake up at 4 in the morning, thirsty and in need of a glass of water. I slipped out from under my covers and padded into the kitchen area, pouring myself water and looking out at the eerie, purple sky. When I'm hydrated I put my glass in the sink and slip back into my room. That's when I notice my phone lock screen. (1) Missed Call. (1) New Voice Mail. I instantly pick up my phone, clicking on my voicemail. It's a call from Mason. My heart skips a beat. I click play and I hear his voice for the first time in weeks and it's music to my ears.

"Emma, I need you... just come back to me." My body reacts instantly. I jump into action, pulling on jeans and a sweater, stuffing random articles of clothing into a duffle bag, grabbing my keys (to the new car I bought with the money I got from my job at the magazine), grabbing a couple granola bars and bottles of water. The airport is a good 2 hours from here and even then it could take hours before a flight to Florida comes in that I can buy a ticket for.

Mason I'm coming.

I run down the stairs and out to the parking lot where my slightly beaten up, used red car is sitting. I climb into the driver's seat and pull out of my spot. I can imagine every time I spent sitting in Daniel's car, him and Mason sitting in the front seats as we laughed and talked. I can see clearly the days Mason and I spent driving to and back from TSMAC.

My heart is beating so fast that I can barely see straight. Something serious went down and Mason needs me. He needs me.

I'm driving on the interstate and I reach for my phone in my purse, dividing my attention between my phone and the road, clicking on the message once again. He says his mother has been shot. Dear God I hope she's alright. He only just got her back. I click on his contact and call him. His phone must be dead though because it immediately goes to voicemail.

"Mason, honey, I love you so much. I'm on my way. I'm on my way Mason. I swear to you, I will be there as soon as possible. I'm so sorry all of this has happened. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when your dad got out of jail. I love you, I love you. Just hold on Mase, I'll be there. I'm on my way to the airport right now. I'll see you when-" My eyes focus on the road and I

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