Chapter Seventeen

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Author's Note: BE PREPARED FOR HELLA GUSHING BECAUSE YEAH... I cannot believe we are on chapter seventeen. In some ways that seems like a lot of chapters and in other ways it seems really short. Weird right? So much has happened. Just to let y'all know that means we have a grand total of 78 chapters in total for these stories. Crazy! so as of now I am trying decide if I want to make this a trilogy. How do you feel about that Rosie fam? (Not that this story is almost done, of course not!) I love you all and all your support. I cannot express to you how nice it is to post a new chapter and within 30 minutes get 10 new reads on it. It absolutely warms my heart. You guys really are the best. Thank you so much, this chapter is for you ❤️ Enjoy!



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. . .

I sit here

And I think

About how much I love you

Your eyes

Your hair

Your voice

Your smile

Your body

Your mind

Your soul

Your laugh

Your heart

All the things you say

All the things you do


From the very tips

Of your toes

To the very top

Of your head

I am in love with

Every aspect of you

Even the parts

That you have grown

To hate


. . .

- -

Hospital Life

Mason's POV

When I wake up I'm not quite sure where I am. The lights are too dim, the sheets to itchy, my body too fatigued. Everything hurts. Where's Emma?

I blink and my vision adjusts and so does my hearing, so I can hear the beeps of a machine and see the curtains drawn around my hospital bed. I peer at the IVs in my arm. And then I stare at the bandages wrapped tight around my wrists. Things start to come back to me in bits and pieces like the rain, the blades, dinner at Kyle and Julia's house, the kiss that ended it all.

My breathing becomes too hard and I shut my eyes tight, trying to calm myself. None of this is right. I was supposed to die. I was supposed to be gone and to leave all this pain behind.

"You piece of shit. You motherfucker. You little asshole screwup," my father shouted in my face, spit flying from his lips drawn back in a sneer. With every word he pounds his fists on my spine, making me fall to my hands and knees. "Why don't you just die you fucking disappointment?" I don't know why I can't just die. I try and I try.

He grabbed me by my collar, choking me as he pulled me up to eye level. "Answer me shithole."

I spit blood at him, but what I meant was an apology. A scream. My mind shouted, I'm trying dad. I will cut my skin and take my pills. I want to be better, but I can't so I'll try to die for you. But I can't even get that right.

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