Chapter 18

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Author's Note: I'm baaacccckkkk! 3.42K reads on this story! Jesus Christ that's a lot and you are all such loyal and amazing people. I just want to give you all a virtual hug (hence the picture that I included for this chapter)! Thanks for everything my lovely readers!
I want to apologize for the immense delay of this chapter. The end of the school year is approaching and with it is tests, projects, and social events. I've been swamped and tired, but I've soooo missed writing. I've been trying to keep up at least checking messages and following y'all back, so I hope you're still with me. Enjoy the new chapter! 😋😋😋

xoxo, Rosie

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Little boy, little boy

Why do you cry so hard?

- Unknown


It's in the moments when your left

All on your own

And it hits you from out of nowhere

You try to hide it sometimes


With a smile that fades quickly

Your resistance to sadness is futile,

But you're a fighter can't stand


- Fly Before You Fall, Cynthia Erivo

(Beyond the Lights movie)

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Mason's POV

Broken Girl

My taxi pulls up in front of my apartment. I gaze up at it, taking a deep breath and then hand the driver my credit card. Once I'm all paid up I get out and grab my bag from the trunk, making my way up the stairs to my apartment door. As soon as I pull my keys out of my pocket I hear the creak of the door across the hall and turn around. The guy who lives across from me is standing there, peering at me, phone in hand. I frown at him and unlock the door, pushing it open, and stepping inside.

When I get in, I lean against the counter and inspect the bandages on my wrists. I'm an adult now, I can't hide them with gaudy wrist bands. If Emma were here she would kiss my wrists and make it all better. But Emma's not here.

Emma's POV

"What is this?" my professor asks holding up my Hemingway article.

"Um... my analysis of the book?"

"No I mean what happened to your writing? This is half-hearted at best. I saw greater things for you Emma, but with the work you've been turning in recently I'm wondering if this is really the place for you."

"No it is! I swear I've just been distracted, but I'll step up my game. There have been family issues, but I will push that aside I promise."

My professor raises his eyebrows, "You'd better."

I nod, "I will." He tosses the paper down on my desk and I sigh, putting my head in my hands. How am I supposed to focus with everything going on?

All of the sudden my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pick it up and slide to answer.


"Hey it's Derek... the guy you gave your number to for when Mason got back. I just wanted to let you know that he's back."

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