Chapter Twelve

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Author's Note: SOOO sorry for not updating in ages, but I'm back. Recently I've just been super busy and my writing withdrawl became too much so here I am updating in the middle of class. Yay. Hope y'all enjoy the new chapter.

Oh my lord I am almost forgot to mention that we have reached a wopping total of 15.3 K reads on My Brother's friend and 820 reads on My Friend's Sister. I am so thankful for your love and support. The fact that my dream is actually coming true and you guys are my supporters is mind blowing, so I can not thank y'all enough. Love you!

xoxo, Rosie

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it doesn't matter

how I begin my poems

because by the end

they are all about you.



And then she did the simplest thing

in the world.

She leaned over

and kissed him.

And the world cracked open.



. . .

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Morning Again

3 weeks before the incident

Emma's POV

I wake up to the rustling of sheets. I blink, my mind and eyes blurry with sleep. And then I hear the heavy breathing, sharp gasps, and sobs. I sit up and find Mason rolling on his back, tears streaming down his face, gripping his wrists in his sleep.

"Mason!" I say, shaking his shoulders. "Mason wake up." He wakes up with a shudder, sweat gleaming on his brow, his legs tangled in his blankets. "It was just a dream," I whisper, running my fingers through his hair. I can feel his heart through his drenched shirt. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask timidly.

He shakes his head and I slip my hand into his. "Okay, just remember that I'm here for you," I whisper. He quickly wipes away his tears and kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry I woke you," he croaks. I shake my head, trying to seem nonchalant, but I'm worried about him. He's cutting again, he's getting the dreams that plagued him right after his father went to jail.

"It's fine. I should be getting up now anyway," I say and slip out from under the covers, tugging at the bottom of his t-shirt to cover my butt. Out of the corner of my eye I see Mason putting his head down in his hands and the sight causes an ache deep in my heart. He looks so lonely and defeated. All of the excitement from the night before has been drained away. I slip out of his room.

Mason's POV

I watch his wrap his long fingers around her neck, crushing her windpipe and screaming hateful words at me. "You no good asshole of a son. You're such a little pussy. You disgust me, that's why I treat your mother this way."

"Let her go," I say, but it does not come out like the snarl I hoping for, but weak and wavering.

"You're never going to be good enough you piece of shit. Never. For as long as you live you'll be a cowardly little son of a bitch who can't do shit. Do you hear me?" I look down at my shoes, trying to hide the fear in my eyes. "I said do you fucking hear me?" A new voice says.

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