Chapter 24

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Author's note: hey little cuties. Enjoy

xoxo, Rosie

. . .

- -

And if you don't love me

As I do you

I understand because

Who would pick a daisy

In a field of roses

- Unknown

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. . .

Good People

Mason's POV

(One month after moving in)

I yawn and open my eyes. Emma is standing in front of the mirror we bought from Home Goods, wiggling into a professional (yet completely sexy) dress. It's black and skin tight.

"Well isn't this nice to wake up too," I say, smiling sleepily. Emma laughs, slipping on her heels before trying to zip up the back.

"Help me with this will you?" she says. I groan as I sit up, crawling over the bed. I slide my hand down the exposed skin of her back and she shivers before I bring the zipper up. When I'm done, she turns and puts her arms around my neck, giving me a long, deep kiss on the lips. "Mmmm good morning," she says when we separate.

"It would be even better if you'd let me take that dress off you before you go," I say, winking at her. She laughs and swats my hands away from her ass and giving me a mischievous smile before clicking her way out of the room.

"Want some coffee?" she calls.

I stand up pick up my jeans from the floor, pulling them on one leg at a time. "Yes please."

She comes in a minute later and hands me one of the mugs we bought to together. "Thanks hon," I say kissing her nose. She giggles again, running her free hand through my hair.

"I'm still not used to this haircut," she says, tugging on a few strands. "So short."

"You don't like it?" I ask, worried, trying to peer past her at the mirror.

She shakes her head, "No it's super sexy. Just... new." I put my mug down and pull her closer by her waist, slipping my tongue in her mouth. She runs her hands through my hair as usual, her body pressed close to mine.

When we pull apart she sighs, "I wish I could stay." I nod. "Can't miss any days on my first week." She applied for a job at a magazine and got it immediately. They called her the very same day as the interview, saying she hit it out of the park. She started on Monday and it's been great for her. She comes back every night in a good mood. She has an agreement with the school that she'll attend classes two days out of the week and get credit for her work because she's an English major.

I wish I could do something like that. Unfortunately my interests are very specific, science major, with a focus on biology. And then a minor in the arts. Of course my English course I take with Emma is just one of the graduation requirements. I'm considering going for a medical degree though or maybe teaching. Emma likes to make fun of me, saying that I would be the dreamiest doctor in existence and that people would come to the ER just to be treated by me. These are the decisions you have to make in college though and it's nerve racking.

"My mom was a doctor," I told Emma once. "It seems right."

"If you want it go for it."

Emma really went for it with the magazine. It was a super competitive job and I feel so proud of her. "I have to get going. But I love you. I'll see you tonight. Text me what you want for take out," she says, grabbing her coat and her purse.

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