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Author's Note: Hello there again lovely readers! If you have never read one of these author's notes then I am assuming either you don't read them or you haven't read the first book in this series: My Brother's Friend. So I greatly suggest (and appreciate) that you go and read that one first because I'm sure everything will make much more sense.

For everyone returning to my stories: welcome back and it's so lovely of you to continue on in the second installment of this book that I honestly can't believe people are actually reading. So thank you and I hope ya'll enjoy it!

xoxo, Rosie

P.S. sorry there's no quote today one will be there in the first actual chapter, promise!

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Emma's POV

Sleep is peaceful, sleep is wonderful. Slow and warm and comfortable. Waking up is normally quite the opposite. But as I opened my eyes for the first time this morning I felt good.

I'd just come out of a nice dream, something happy and bubbly making, that made my skin cover in goosebumps and my lips turn up in a smile. The room was the perfect balance between light and dark, a few rays of sunlight escaping my curtains and spreading across my rumpled, jumbled duvet.

My boyfriend is coming over this morning. We're going out to breakfast, I think contentedly. I practically slobber over the idea of Andy's Pancake House. The best breakfast restaurant ever and the one we always go to.

I roll over and glance at my alarm clock which I must have forgotten to set the night before. 6:20. He said he would come at 7, but god knows he is always early.

"On time is late," he once told me. "Early is on time."

I giggled and said, "Then early is late, you dork." He just rolled his eyes and I kissed him on the cheek so he knew I liked it when he was a dork.

I roll back over and look at the ceiling, dappled with early morning light, over my head. I then stretch out my arms on either side of me. My hand immediately comes in contact with something, something very person-like, and I whip my head around.

That's when I see him. Lying with his eyes closed, breathing normally. Brown hair messy and ruffled, pink lips puckered like he's trying to kiss the air. Fingers splayed across the mattress. Bare chest rising and falling. Yes, completely naked.


"Oh shit."

A/N prologue complete! (Sorry that 95% of this was author's notes) hope it peaked your interest! Next chapter updated very soon and don't worry all will be explained. There is also a change of scenery because we are now centered around Emma's college. Yep, a college girl. Stay tuned for the next chapter, byeee!

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