Chapter 20 (Updated)

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Author's Note: hey guys I decided to reupload this chapter. It didn't feel right (for those of you who already read it) to have an explicit sex scene right after she had been raped. It just kind of went against my moral values and I guess I was just tempted to try it out for future writing reference, but I don't want to risk the quality of my book for that reason. So yeah.. a very different chapter coming to you. Love you all, hope you understand.

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Let's run away and never come back



I'm so in love with you

and you're in my head all the time

and you're in everything I do

because everything I do

I do for you

and I feel stupid

and this is stupid

But I'm so in love with you


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Mason's POV

I'm running. I have to get to her as soon as possible or I'm sure my heart might beat right out of my chest. She deserves better than me. I've thought it a million times and it's still true. I can hear the awful things I said that night to her and Kyle. I deserved everything that came to me and gave her nothing. And now it's my fault that I had no idea she was raped on her way to find me.

"Mason!" I hear and stop so fast I almost fall to the ground. Emma's running after me. She looks tired and smaller than normal, like she's been deflated.

"Emma," I breath out. She comes barreling at me, jumping into my arms. I hold her close to my chest and spin her around. "I love you, I love you," I whisper into her hair.

"I love you too," she says. There's wetness on my shoulder from her tears and I slowly put her down even though I never really want to let go. "Are you okay?" she asks, reaching tenderly for my wrist.

I shake her off, instead gently touching her cheek. "None of that matters. Are you okay?"

"You tried to commit suicide," she says, her voice shaking.

"And you were raped," I tell her and she flinches, her shoulders slumping a little.

"I guess we're both kind of a mess right now," she says quietly and I pull her into a hug. She has to stand on her tiptoes, but she nuzzles her face against my neck. I feel relief washing over me at her presence. Without her I was not whole and I finally feel right again. "Come to my dorm," she says, lacing her fingers in mine. "I think we need to talk."

Emma's POV

When we get into the apartment I feel a little off kilter. If it were any normal day, if we were a normal couple this would be when we would kiss and make up. But we are Mason and Emma, the most dysfunctional pairing since... maybe ever. I sit down on the couch and Mason follows. He puts his arm around my shoulders and I unintentionally jump.

"Hey... I'm not going to hurt you Em. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again," he whispers. I nod and lean into him.

"We need to talk about what happened... with Kyle," I say, softly. I don't want to scare him away. I want us to be better, but first we need to discuss what happened that night.

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