•Chapter 32•

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One of the longest chapter

Narrator ~

Two weeks passed like a wind wave, it was already the last day of their midterms.

After school they all met outside the school gate.

"Finally the exams are over!", Tanmi smiled.

"It's just the midterms not the final, don't be too happy about it", replied Kyunghee, earning a pout from Tanmi.

"I was thinking, nowadays the weather is nice. Why don't we go out for a picnic?", asked Kyungsoo.

(A/N- Well Kyungsoo talking about the weather is an attack for us :"3)

"Kyungsoo are you sick?", asked Baekhyun placing his hand on Kyungsoo's forehead.

Kyungsoo removed his friends hand with a swift, "Yah!  What do you mean?"

"He's making fun of your new side Kyungsooya", replied Junmyeon with a smile.

"What new side? And Why?", Kyungsoo was shocked yet annoyed.

"Because nowadays you are less annoyed, you smile at times and you even laugh at our jokes. That's new to us", explained Junmyeon.

"It's almost suspicious", said Y/N, narrowing her eyes.

Everyone agreed and laughed and then after some serious discussions, they decided that tomorrow they'll go on a picnic near the Han River.

The Next Day ~

All friends decided to meet at the bus stop near the river by 10 in the morning.

They all brought something to eat. Junmyeon brought his handmade cookies which his friends loved. Kyungsoo made some stir fried noodles and gimbap. Y/N brought some sandwiches and chips. Tanmi brought cupcakes and coke. Kyunghee   brought some fruits and lastly, Baekhyun brought paper cups and plates along with some other necessities.

They all went to the river side with smile plastered on their faces.

Junmyeon, Kyungsoo and Kyunghee started unpacking their bags while Tanmi got busy preparing plates and cups, all unaware of what Baekhyun and Y/N were up to.


Baekhyun's P.O.V ~

"Are you sure?", Y/N asked me.

"100%! I have known him for years so am sure about this", I replied with confidence.

"If your plan doesn't work Tanmi will kill me Baekhyun!", Y/N almost shouted out of nervousness.

"It will work Y/N trust me! We'll catch them today", I smirked.


Y/N's P.O.V ~

That smirk on Baekhyun's face! Am worried, I hope this guy is right or else I'll be dead by the evening.


We all stuffed ourselves with all the food we brought. Kyungsoo is a great cook and Junmyeon's cookies are the best!

After we were done with our food, Baekhyun spoke up, "Let's play a game!" and looked in my direction. That was a hint for me that the plan is starting.

"What should we play?", asked always excited Tanmi.

"Truth and dare!!", I shouted instantly.

Everyone looked at me with shock and amusement while Baekhyun laughed silently, Aishh!!

"What? I just want to play that!", I expressed after being a little embarrassed.

"Okay then let's play truth and dare", agreed Junmyeon and so did the others.

The empty coke bottle spinned stopping at Tanmi and Baekhyun was the one to question.

"Truth or Dare?", he asked.

"Dare!", Tanmi answered with confidence.

"Come and kiss me on my cheeks", Baekhyun grinned, pointing at his cheeks.

Tanmi blushed but went on with her dare.

In the next turn only, the first chance for our plan came because after the bottle spinned, Baekhyun was the one to answer and I was the one to question.

"Truth or dare?", I asked.

"Truth", he replied.

"Who do you think is the prettiest among us?"

Everyone looked at me, giving me the 'we all know his answer' look but only I know the answer which was about to come.

I saw Baekhyun mumbling 'sorry' to Tanmi before turning towards the rest.

"I think Kyunghee is the prettiest. If not Tanmi, I would have dated Kyunghee for sure!"

I immediately turned towards Kyungsoo, who balled his fist. Jealousy and anger was written all over his face.

Whereas Tanmi looked like a little lost puppy, my poor cutie only if I could tell you the truth.

Time passed and we all had our turns. I was dared by Kyunghee to sing and when it came to truth, I was asked if I have a crush on someone to which I shyly replied a yes.

Then came the turn, Baekhyun and I were eagerly waiting for. Baekhyun was the one to answer and I was the one to question again.

"Truth or Dare?", I asked with a smirk.

"Dare!", Baekhyun replied with a smirk too.

"I dare you to kiss Kyunghee on her cheeks!"

The atmosphere changed in seconds. Everyone was more than shocked and were looking at me.

"What? It's just a dare don't be too serious you all", I spoke. Being a nervous mess inside, I tried calming the situation which was created by none but me.

"Okay, I'll do it!", Baekhyun replied smiling.


Baekhyun's P.O.V ~

The way Tanmi looked at me broke my heart but I need to carry on with the plan.

I shifted my gaze towards Kyunghee, who had her eyes wide open just like Kyungsoo. I exhaled a breath before going towards her.

I closed my eyes and moved a little towards Kyunghee until someone pulled me by my collar.

"Don't you dare Baek, she's mine."

I opened my eyes and smirked.

"I already know, she is yours, Kyungsoo".

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