•Chapter 38•

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Y/N's P.O.V ~

Minho took me to an empty classroom, while he still had a strong grip on my hand.

"Leave me!" I shouted in anger, " I said leave my hand Minho!".

"I will Y/N, even I don't want to be like this but first listen to me", he replied.

"No! I don't want to listen to anything you say. After the way you grabbed my hand and dragged me here, I don't even want to see your face".

"Stop being like this! Don't whine and listen to me please!"

After much of hesitation, I looked at him.

"That day on the rooftop..whatever I said was not true.. My intentions were to protect you and not to hurt you", Minho said looking at me.

"Right now you aren't hurting me? Well you are hurting me now as well Minho", I hissed as the tight grip on my wrist was hurting real bad now.

Minho was too engrossed to even listen to me, "That night when I saw you with Junmyeon.. I felt hurt. I wanted to apologize and sort things out but all you did was ignoring me and laughing with Junmyeon! I regret whatever happened but-", Minho couldn't continue as a hand pulled him by his collar.

"Leave her!" was all I heard before my hands got freed from Minho's grip.

I looked back at the person who pulled Minho away and as soon as our eyes met, I ran towards him.

Now we were facing Minho who was shocked.

"Why are you here Junmyeon!?", Minho asked.

"To take her with me and away from you." Junmyeon replied as he took my hand in his.

We were about to walk outside the classroom when Minho spoke again, "And who do you think you are to take her away when we are having a conversation?"

Junmyeon turned to reply, "Firstly, You were talking not her so it wasn't a 'conversation' to begin with and secondly, am more than whatever you  think I am" with that being said, we left the classroom.


"Are you okay?" Junmyeon asked, holding my hand gently.

"Yes", I smiled.

"Why are you smiling? Shouldn't you be angry on Minho right now?"

"Not when my boyfriend took me away in the coolest way possible!", I grinned.

"Why did he take you there and what was he talking about?"

"He was talking about the rooftop incident and apologizing ", I looked down as the memories of that day came back.

"Well then his reason to talk was good but the way wasn't!", Junmyeon replied.


While laughing and talking, we made our way towards the canteen seat where our friends were waiting for us and looked like worried parents waiting for their child to return home.

"Are you okay!?" Tanmi came and sat by my side.

"We saw Minho taking you with him and Junmyeon too rushed as soon as he saw that", informed Kyunsoo.

My face turned red as I heard about Junmyeon rushing after me, Oh so dramatic!

"She is okay", Junmyeon replied while passing me my food tray.

They all sighed as they felt relieved.

"By the way... I want to invite you all. On the Christmas Eve, we are having a small family and friends gathering. My parents told me to invite my friends as well so do come you all!" Junmyeon said smiling.

"We will!", we all answered in unison and laughed.

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