•Chapter 8•

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Narrator ~

[After school, in the hall]

All the students of the singing club were present and were impatiently waiting for their teachers to come.

Soon came Ms. Song and Mr. Ji with papers in their hands.

"Good afternoon students!", greeted both the teachers in unison.

"We know that you all are curious about the test concept, your last Activity Test Concept! ", said Mr. Ji.

Everyone nodded.

"So this year's concept is Duet performance!", announced Ms. Song.

All the students were quite shocked with the concept, because from solo to group performances they rarely had 'duet' concept used.

"Don't look so shocked and worried, we have everything prepared for you.", informed Mr. Ji.

"Yes! We have made a list of pairs, who'll be performing together. Here are the names" continued Ms. Song.

Both Y/N and Junmyeon were nervous and were hoping to get any of their friends as their partner.

And soon the suspense ended when their names were announced.

"Next is Park Y/N , hm Park Y/N and Kim Junmyeon you both are paired together for the test. ", announced Ms. Song.

Both Y/N and Junmyeon were dumbfounded. Their mouths were slightly open because of shock.

Then they looked at each other, at the same time.

"Why out of all him?", thought Y/N.
"Why is she the one again? ", thought Junmyeon.

"Okay so now that we have announced the pairs, hope you all will do well! And lastly the main information which is the test, will be held next month, the exact date will be announced soon.", explained Ms. Song, and then both the teachers left.


Tanmi's P.O.V ~

"So I hope I clearly made you understand what you have to do and what's your concept all about?", asked  Mr. Cha.

We all nodded is response.

Our concept is designing a winter wedding dress, along with a partner. My Partner is Kim So Hyun.

"Urgh this test is going to be tough, we need to do so much! From designing to finding a model 'Everything'!!". I complained to So Hyun.

"It will be okay. If we work properly, we have a good one month time in hand. Right?", he asked and I nodded.

"We just have to do a good team work.", he winked.

I hope we both do a great work, together.

Narrator ~

"Baekhyuna Anyeong!! ", shouted Tanmi as she spotted her boyfriend outside the school gate.

"You are late today, had some work? ",
asked Baekhyun as he held Tanmi's hand, interlocking their fingers.

" Yes! Just like you, I was also called to our Activity room and Sir told us our concept. ", Baekhyun is looking at her while she keeps talking, " And you know we have to do a duo work and Kim So Hyun is my partner."

"You mean the Kim So Hyun of Jongin's class!?", Baekhyun asked loudly.

"Yes!", answered Tanmi.

"Why out of all, that handsome flirt.", muttered Baekhyun.

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