•Chapter 40•

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Narrator ~

Time seemed to fly faster for all of them, from celebrating Christmas and New Year to giving their final exams, everything passed like a swift wave of wind.

Today it's the last day of their exams. Everything has been planned, how the group of friends will go out after exam and have fried chicken at their favorite joint to celebrate their last day of school exams.

The only thing they didn't know was, not everything goes as planned.


Junmyeon's P.O.V ~

Our exams were over, I met Y/N and others outside my assigned class. We all were excited and happy. I looked at Y/N and asked for her hand so that we could walk hand in hand while the other two couples went ahead to either click pictures or to the food joint. Y/N gave me her hand and we smiled.

We were walking outside from our school when my phone rang. My happiness faded and so did the wish of staying with Y/N and others.

And here I am at the airport waiting for my flight.


Y/N's P.O.V ~

We were done with all of our exams! How happy can I be today? Exams are over!! And on top of that Junmyeon walked with me hand and hand! Everything was perfect.

Yeah everything was.. Perfect until his phone rang.

I watched Junmyeon as his smile faded and eyes became teary.

"Am sorry.. ", he mumbled after the call ended, looking down.

"What happened? Are you okay?  Why are you crying?", questions came coming up as I caressed his cheeks and made him look at me.

"Am sorry Y/N..but I have to go.. ", he said sobbing lightly.

"Where? I'll call the others back and we will go with you if something is wrong..tell us um?", I tried asking.

"You.. you can't", he replied.


"I have to go..am leaving for America in 2 hours", he looked at me with his tear filled eyes.

After what he said it felt weird. As if the energy I had vanished. Every happy moment we planned crumbled down on me. The boy I wished to see everyday from today was leaving for somewhere, I can't go.

"Why?", I managed to ask.

"My Halmoni (grandma) is very sick, we... We have to go there to her and I don't know when I'll return", he said as he grabbed my hands.

"So Y/N" he took a long breath, "Please wait until I return. I'll come back to you! And as soon as I return, we'll do everything we planned...from going to amusement park to playing in the arcade section.. We'll do everything together."

I guess those words were all I needed to cry. I nodded to his words as tears rolled down my face.

"I'll wait for you. I'll miss you and.. just remember I love you!"

He let out a small chuckle and grabbed my cheeks and pulled me for a kiss.

A kiss which was everything but happy. It was not a goodbye kiss but a I'll be back soon promise.

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