Chapter 1

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Wen Qiuxing opened the personal terminal on his wrist. The latest news on it reads: Hello, Mr. Wen. Since your single tax has not been paid for three months, the Imperial Ministry of Justice has determined that you are an illegal single. Please arrive at the local civil affairs office on time at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and accept the country to assign you.

Wen Qiuxing: ...

The civilization of your country is truly amazing.

However, as a member of the Imperial Citizen, Wen Qiuxing is not feeling guilty now, because he inquires clearly that if he does not pick up the object at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, an uncle in uniform will come with a gun within 3 days. Arrest him and serve his sentence.

Here, singles are imprisoned.

This is not the earth, but the interstellar age without knowing the ghost year.

The memory that Wen Qiuxing took over in his body also had no memory of the earth.

So he guessed responsibly that he should have crossed into a parallel space.

Just a week ago, Wen Qiuxing was just an ordinary senior student and was preparing for graduation.

As a result, there was a day when the waves went out. When I returned home late, I didn't know what evil was hit, so I came here with my eyes closed.

The unlucky ghost he passed through had the same name as him, also known as Wen Qiuxing, but he was younger than him and was only 21 years old this year.

Very young, right?

Haha, however, 21 years old, in this endless interstellar age, has reached the age of late marriage can not continue to be single without paying taxes.

The problem is that the single tax thieves here are expensive and ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

Therefore, most citizens choose to find the target early and get married as soon as they reach age.

If the baby can be born in the next one or two years, then the couple will have a very easy life.

There are not only government-subsidized maternity allowances, but also various practical benefits.

In the future, all babies' expenses will be fully borne by the state.

Therefore, early marriage and early childbirth are a common phenomenon.

The reason for such a policy stems from the Star Wars 100 years ago.

The brutal war caused a rapid decline in the population, and the empire had to spend a lot of money to support the citizens to have more children.

In the more than ten years that the war has just subsided, there seems to have been polygamy.

Today's marriage policy is still premised on childbirth.

Those who are allocated by the state can apply for divorce as long as there is no childbirth within one year and accept the distribution again.

If the above policies are not so unacceptable, then one thing really makes Wen Qiu awakened, there is an incredible existence of the third **** in this interstellar age.

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