Chapter 27

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It can only be said that the advantages of mixed races are too great. Looking at people's nose is their nose and their eyes are their eyes, even if they assume the first stupid posture in the world, it doesn't make the earth people think how nasty this girl is.

But after the other party propped up the brim with a gun barrel, Wen Qiuxing looked carefully again. The man had gray-blue eyes, which reminded him of Will's blue eyes again.

The difference lies in a clear bottom, a dim and mysterious, but they are all beautiful.

When Wen Qiuxing observed the Fengting with carelessness, the Fengting also looked at the bold and wanton young man.

If he remembered correctly, no one had dared to stare at his face like this for decades.

"Have you seen me?" Feng Ting's eyes were delicate, and he stretched out his hand to lift the young man's chin with a gun barrel and looked around.

His dark hair and dark eyes, and his handsome appearance, are types he doesn't hate.

"I haven't seen it." Wen Qiu waked up suddenly, and he lay in his heart, twisting his head to remove his chin from the officer's barrel.

Immediately said: "Thank you for saving me just now."

What, although this man does have some inexplicable resemblance to Will, the difference in aura and feeling between the two is too big.

One is an elegant gentleman, and the other is a cold officer. It can only be said that each has its own merits.

In view of the fact that there is no known situation in the basement where alien creatures are being held, Wen Qiu wakes up as part of the manor, and he is somewhat obliged to help Count Elliot entertain guests.

"I don't know what your lord's name is, but I'm very sorry." Wen Qiuxing remembered Bruce's warning and paid a courtesy to the officer: "The little pet in the manor ran out without knowing what happened, disturbing you that he was very uncomfortable. Sorry."

"Who are you from Elio's family?" The man seemed to pass Wen Qiuxing's chin, and lifted it up with his bare hands.


Earthlings glanced down at that hand, thinking, big brother, you call it Qiang Tiao, do you know?

"I'm just someone who lives here." Wen Qiuxing replied, once again saving his chin from the other's hand.

He was not angry.

It may be that the temper is much better after the baby is conceived, and it is easy to not toss yourself.

"Name." Feng Ting said.

"...Wen Qiuxing." The earthman was watching intently, rubbing goose bumps on his arm unbearably: "Then, please go to the will be safer."

At the end of the day, he was balding himself, and he looked very unhappy

After all, the officer in front of him was a master of a child.

I really don’t know if the other party is unsafe or the ugly alien creatures are unsafe

It is not difficult to guess that the young man in front of him, who is called'His Excellency', just treats him as an ordinary officer.

"That's true." His Majesty the King nodded slightly, then slowly backed away a few steps before he put away the gun and turned into the room.

At the same time, Bruce was busy cleaning up the small pets who had fled, as well as catching the negligent breeder; and the Earl and Princess Coyne received the news that His Majesty was in a building and hurried over.

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