Chapter 24

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When Wen Qiuxing thought that he would be shot into the sieve by countless eyes, this group of shocked aliens suddenly turned their eyes to the door and stopped paying attention to them.

Wen Qiuxing followed him and saw the protagonist, the cold and handsome Earl Elio.

And Princess Coyne in full dress.

The two came side by side from left to right, firmly attracting everyone's attention.

Sure enough, appearance is not enough.

No matter what era or planet, power and power are the ultimate weapon of a mixed society.

I still remember that at the beginning, classmate Wen from the earth also had a heart climbing up.

At the time of graduation and the gathering of people in the bedroom, he also blew a cowhide: Old iron, within two years of graduation, I will definitely earn the first pot of gold in life!

Well, now that the first pot of gold is not available, the first child is on the spot.

"Tumbling." Wen Qiuxing whispered while watching: "When will we both become the protagonists of such a beautiful scenery?"

If this is silly, the youth dare to beep in front of the subject.

"Huh?" Feng Ting looked at him carefully, not to drink more champagne, not to eat more cold, or to eat food that was not good for the baby.

To ask Feng Ting how he judged, he naturally opened the star net cautiously, and scanned all the suspicious foods for consultation.

Suddenly heard the sigh of the little partner, the man's nerves stretched, his ears raised and continued to listen to the little partner's speech.

"Count Elio is really a winner in life." Wen Qiuxing sighed lightly: "But we don't have to envy him."

"Well." Feng Ting nodded in a mixed mood, and his gaze toward the little partner suddenly became guilty and guilty.

The youth will follow him in this life, destined to miss the reputation of power.

Even living in the shadow of the king can not see the light, the same is true of their children.

Feng Ting is pretty sure that if Wen Qiuxing and the baby are discovered by the other person, the other party will definitely kill them without hesitation.

The court never wanted this to happen.

But he did not dare to reveal the truth to his little partner, otherwise the little partner would act impulsively.

Feng Ting hugged his little partner heavily in his heart and spoke almost begging: "Autumn and Autumn, we will live a plain life, okay?"

Wen Qiu waked his eyes, wondering why Will suddenly became serious, but nodded readily: "ojbk!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was suddenly kissed by the subject, and the other person bit his lips lightly: "Qiuqiu, we don't swear."


As the oldest elder of Ellio Manor, Princess Coyne is also the identity of the imperial princess.

This evening appeared in front of many younger generations, she rarely put on a skirt.

Opening address for today's berry festival ball.

Unlike other nobles who drool more than tea, Princess Koo Yin's speech is quiet and clean.

In one sentence, she expressed her expectation for the festival, in one sentence, she expressed her "warm welcome" to the guests, and in two sentences, she expressed her expectation of her grandson Elio's wedding, fully showing how much she was so loyal.

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