Chapter 2

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The staff can see that this young man is getting married for the first time, so he is patient: "Please sit down."

There are two seats in front of the consultation window.

Wen Qiuxing was still immersed in that horrible spell twice a week and could not extricate himself.

"How is it?" Feng Ting came in behind him, obviously he knew Wen Qiu woke up to find fault.

"It's not good." Wen Qiuxing recovered, and he sat down on the chair next to him.

There is no such thing as the imperial court is very calm, only to see him sit next to Wen Qiuxing carelessly.

Worthy of being a native citizen of the empire, it seems commonplace to assign objects.

But it was too calm. Wen Qiuxing couldn't help but look sideways, could not help guessing, is the other party a straight man?

Can this be tolerated?

After a while, they heard the staff say: "The marriage procedures have been completed. The two can check their personal information on the personal terminal, which has the marriage certificate number, and the future marriage-related benefits, procedures, etc., need to be used This number, and, the two inboxes have the newlyweds handbook sent by our office, and one of them is very important..."

The staff looked at them: “China’s requirement for an official partner, Article 7, between husband and wife must perform effective husband and wife obligations, twice a week, until one party becomes pregnant. As for what is effective? For details, please see the wedding manual. "

Another thing he needs to remind is: "According to our country's regulations, in addition to obligations, every time an effective couple's life is added, the Empire will reward corresponding credit points."

Wen Qiuxing: ...

Your country's financial strength is so strong that it is so full that it can support people to do it for a week. How many times does love have to be managed?

"If not, what will happen?" The person who asked this question was the court.

"Are you saying that you have not fulfilled your husband and wife's obligations?" The staff member said simply and rudely: "Unless there is a sexual dysfunction, or a certificate of illness, it will be treated as illegal, ranging from being included in the credit blacklist, and from exile to satellite stars , Join the army of pioneers and serve the empire."

Wen Qiu wakes up, the two punishments are different, and they are very serious, OK?

You know, pulling into the credit blacklist is tantamount to being blacked out by the shops of the entire empire.

What does it mean to live like this?

As for the exile satellite star wasteland, it is even more nonsense.

In the face of these two threats, most people will obediently choose twice a week, right?

Although it was known for a long time that the country's civilization was not talked about, Wen Qiuxing was still very troubled and became a stinky face.

On the other hand, the man sitting next to him was expressionless and the reaction was flat.

Oh, yes, the person who did the following was not him anyway, Wen Qiuxing thought extremely depressed.

What seemed to be effective husband and wife obligations, he seemed to guess a little bit.

Resulting in a worse mood.

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