Chapter 28

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Wen Qiuxing's mood is very complicated now, just like a beautifully packed food in front of him, but he doesn't know whether it is Xiang or sugar.

The biggest problem at present is that he has to dismantle this exquisitely packaged food, even if he does not.

If it was a piece of sugar, it would be great.

Eat beautifully.

If it is Yi Tuo Xiang, it is very sorry.

Still eat with tears!

People on earth cried.

Covering his eyes with his palms, he listened to the movement of the man throwing clothes in his ear, and felt not like his Will.

His Will would put his clothes neatly every time, and only he would throw them around so carelessly.

And this man obviously hangs with him...

When Wen Qiuxing didn't dare to face the reality, he took one hand away from the palm he covered on his eyes, and he was forced to face the reality.

As far as the eye can see, the handsome and charming man dropped his military uniform, standing silently and standing in front of him.

Wen Qiuxing glanced at him twice and grunted, swallowing saliva.

His eyes looked straight at the eight abdominal muscles and the mermaid line he was familiar with, and then his eyes moved upwards, and on the strong arm, he saw the faintly visible scars.

"I have met your request." Feng Ting's voice was low-pitched, and the young man's shy reaction just pleased him.

Will be shy, at least it shows that there is a high chance of not playing coffee...


Shy or something, this thing was gone 800 years ago.

Seeing this body, he calmed down.

It is basically confirmed that this person is actually Will... Although he does not know the specific situation yet, he has reason to guess that it is a double personality, or a problem such as mental illness.

Will once said he was sick.

That is to say, Will knows his situation, and so on, and his majesty must be aware of it.

Thinking of these, Wen Qiuxing took a deep breath and stood up and stepped on the sofa to pick up clothes.

The man waiting next to him quickly caught the shirt thrown out by the youth and sniffed the tip of his nose.

Only his gray-blue eyes, which had been bloodied for a long time because of torture, squinted happily, like a cat who only sucked catnip.

With this action, Wen Qiuxing involuntarily shook his legs.

He lowered his head, silent in his mind, metamorphosis, metamorphosis, metamorphosis...

The two are diametrically opposed to each other.

In the eyes of Feng Ting, this dark-haired young man was the antidote he unintentionally discovered, which can relieve the severe pain in his brain.

Although it will not disappear completely, it is already an amazing influence for him.

The young man with long legs stepped on the sofa, hesitating whether to pick the last one.

"So what..." Wen Qiuxing said, "Why are you taking me away?"

"Give it to me." His Majesty the King made a request to the people of the earth that was almost fatal: "I will tell you."

When the earth people heard it, they quickly squeezed their trousers: "No!"

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